Chapter 8 | ASSAULT! Dragon vs. God

Start from the beginning

Just nearby, Rin and Meihu looked as though they've been untouched and are already prepared to fight. Both siblings separated and teamed up with their respective unit members. Rin quickly ran to Kyouka and Himari's side.

The barrier was completely destroyed, allowing Rairen and his shuuki army to pass through...

[Rairen]: "What a bunch of pests! It's about time for you all to go extinct!" He arrogantly mocked.

[Kyouka]: "Get ready for battle, kill every last shuuki!"

[Himari]: "Yes ma'am!"

[Rin]: "Great timing, I was hoping for a longer workout. Hopefully this guy isn't a yapper." He said as he transformed into SLAVE.

Everyone separated into small groups across the battlefield to cover more ground. Each and every single individual began slaying the shuuki one-by-one, killing every one of them on sight. On the battlefield, there was one shuuki that looked much different from the others. It was larger and felt more powerful than the rest. Even so, that's nothing to be afraid of. Upon laying their eyes on it, Kyouka and Rin ran towards it, aiming to kill it off...

[Rin]: "Miss Kyouka, let's hit 'em with THAT!"

[Kyouka]: "Alright, get ready!"

Rin quickly ran towards the "variant" shuuki, the giant beast threw a left punch which Rin avoided the attack by jumping up and running up its arm...

[Kyouka]: "Now!" She readied her sword.

[Rin]: "Roger!" He readied his elbow blades.

[Kyouka x Rin, Master-Servant Technique = ___ ]


Both Kyouka and Rin swung their blades, creating a six-angled star-like slash that instantly slaughters the variant shuuki. The move they used was inspired by the Himari x Rin technique, BRANDING. STAR SPLITTER was created and developed a few days before the exhibition matches. This was the first time the technique was used outside of practice and it was performed perfectly...

[Kyouka]: "Excellent!"

[Rin]: "Nice kill, boss!"

While all of this was happening, Rairen watched from the backline, despite his earlier excitement, he seemed bored all of a sudden...

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