Chapter 5 | FINISHING MOVE!!!

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Last time on Zodiac Odyssey, Rin has become Himari's slave and the two will be teaming up for the upcoming Mato Exhibition matches where the sixth and seventh unit members will test their strengths against each other in battle.

The temporary master-servant duo are already training together in the early morning of the next day. Their goal is to develop and perfect a finishing move, one strong enough to defeat Yachiho in just one single blow. However, something like that is easier said than done...

[Himari]: "As crazy as her power may be, she'll get tired every time she activates it. A drawback due to how strong the power is. We'll use that as a way to defeat her."

[Rin]: "But the fact she's able to activate it more than once is tricky."

[Himari]: "I also forgot to mention this. When she activates her power, she'll throw a mysterious pose every time. Says it's a routine to and I quote "enhances her skills." She said as she did an odd pose like something Sailor Moon would do.

[Rin]: "I see."

[Rin's Thoughts]: "So in order to activate her ability, she needs to perform a specific motion... I could use that as an advantage too."

[Rin]: "Then we'll have to beat her to the punch before she can strike a pose. Then we'd ought to take advantage of that. We'll use the FURY form's blistering speed for the finishing move."

[Himari]: "That's right. We'll go in with a strike so fast she won't be able to use her ability."

[Rin]: "Speaking of which, I'll be able to predict when she'll strike a pose. It's kind of like foreseeing."

[Himari]: "How do you do that?"

[Rin]: "With my eyes."

Still in his human form, Rin concentrates energy into his eyes. In no time, black veins began to surround the outside of his eyes. Then when he opened his lids, his eyes were pitch-black while his irises stayed blue...

[Himari]: "Whoa!? How'd you do that?!"

[Rin]: "Cool right? My father taught me this trick. It's an old Longfei family skill that allows us to analyze, foresee and predict our opponent's movements. On top of that, it also allows me to view the inner workings of the body. Like blood flow, muscle movement, even the heart beating. This way, I'll be able to target weak points."

[Himari]: "Whoa, that's kinda deadly."

[Rin]: "It is, but it drains a lot of my mental and physical energy when I do it, so we'll use it when the time is right." He said as his eyes went back to normal.

[Himari]: "What happens if you over use it?" She asked, purely out of curiosity.

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