2.4 ooh-ah-ah

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It had been about a week since Addie had been back in school, and she hated it to say the least. Gwen had constantly annoyed Addie and her friends, making digs at Addie's outfits or how her hair looked that day. Addie was getting fed up, ready to fight the girl to get her off her case.

But she wouldn't, that would cause so much drama and bring attention to herself and that's exactly what she didn't want. Addie was currently in her 4th period, with Matt, fully ignoring what the teacher was talking about. She'd never admit it, but Gwen being on her case 24/7 was really starting to bother her.

Matt nudged the girl, snapping her out of her trance. He leaned over the aisle slightly, "You good?" He whispered to her, not wanting the teacher to yell at him. Addie nodded softly in response, before turning her attention back to her desk. Matt was worried about her to say the least, and he was definitely going to talk to Chris about it at lunch.

Addie did her best to ignore Matt's worried glances, tapping her foot against the ground as she felt the anxiety creep up in her chest. She instantly raised her hand and asked to use the restroom, shooting out of her seat once she got permission. She exited the classroom, making her way down the hall to the nearest bathroom.

Once she entered the bathroom, she wished she had just stayed in class. Gwen was standing at one of the sink's washing her hands. Addie sighed, moving to enter a stall but was stopped as Gwen started laughing.

"I can't believe Chris let you come to school wearing that." Gwen commented, drying off her hands. Addie looked down at her outfit, it consisted of black sweatpants, a purple stay cool hoodie that belonged to Chris, and white air forces. It was school afterall, not a fashion show.

Addie rolled her eyes, "Chris doesn't control what I wear, Gwen." Addie folded her arms across her chest, the anxiety now being replaced with rage. Gwen needed to keep her mouth shut.

"He should, considering he looks good as fuck today. Might have to snap him later." Gwen grinned at Addie, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, now leaning against the sink. Addie froze at the comment, surely Chris didn't have her on snap, right?

"Oh, you didn't know Chris and I snap?" Gwen asked, feigning shock. Addie took a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. Addie ignored Gwen, stepping into the stall and locking the door behind her.

"I told you he would hurt you, Addie, so I don't even feel bad about him cheating on you. With me." Gwen commented, now pacing outside of the bathroom stalls. Addie's heart was racing, wanting nothing more than to walk out and smash Gwen's face in.

"Leave me alone, Gwen." Addie spit out finally, standing in the stall to keep her distance. She really didn't want to have to explain to her mom as to why she got suspended after only a week.

Gwen laughed before making her exit, Addie exiting the stall once the door slammed shut. She walked to the sink, turning the water on and splashing some on her face. She was very thankful she overslept this morning and didn't put any makeup on. She dried off her hands, before leaving the bathroom to head back to class.

Once she made it back to her seat, it took everything in her to not tell Matt to stop looking at her like that, like she would break if the wind hit her just right. He wasn't wrong to think that, but she would rather die than talk about what happened when she was in the bathroom.

Class finally ended, dismissing them for lunch. The duo walked in silence, Matt respecting her enough to not push her to open up to him right now. Addie and Matt were the first ones to make it to the lunch table, Addie immediately sitting down and resting her head on her crossed arms on the table.

"Are you not getting lunch?" Matt asked Addie, setting his bag underneath the lunch table. Addie shook her head without lifting it, not wanting to see the worried look she knew he would be giving her. Matt sighed, looking to see if Chris or Nick were coming, maybe they could get her to get lunch.

"Hey." Nate and Nick greeted the duo, making Addie lift her head from her arms. She offered them a weak smile before resting her head back down again.

"What's going on, Ads?" Chris asked, instantly sitting down next to his girl. He brought a hand to her back, starting to rub soothing circles, just for Addie to shrug him off. He looked over to Matt, confused about her behavior, only to get a shrug from his brother. Chris frowned, leaning away from Addie. She was fine this morning, this doesn't make any sense.

"Are you coming to get something for lunch?" Nick asked Addie, making the girl lift her head again.

Addie sighed, "I'm not hungry, but thanks." She quietly murmured, doing her best to ignore Chris. She didn't believe Gwen, but she also didn't want to talk to Chris about it when they still have two more classes to get through.

"You need to eat, Addie." Chris commented, making the girl give in on her silent treatment, turning to face the boy.

"I'm not hungry, so I'm not eating. It's fine, I'll just eat when I get home." She replied, hating herself for sounding so bitchy but she was getting annoyed. The constant worry about her eating made her want to eat even less.

"You heard the girl." Alahna spoke up, scaring everyone as no one had noticed her walk up and join the group. The five of them shuffled to join their lunch line, leaving Addie on her own. Addie rubbed her eyes, sighing deeply, when she felt a presence standing behind her.

"What the fuck do you want Gwen?" Addie spoke, not needing to turn around to know it was her. Gwen's overly sweet perfume wasn't hard to decipher these days.

Gwen chuckled, "Already pushing him away, aren't you?" She asked, making Addie turn around to glare at her. "It's no wonder Chase was the way he was with you, so quick to shut people out."

Before Addie realized it, she had shot out of her seat and brought her fist to connect with Gwen's nose. Gwen let out a screech, watching blood begin to flow into her hands from the impact of Addie's hit.

"You bitch!" Gwen yelled, lifting her hand to hit Addie back, but Addie quickly blocked it. This wasn't Addie's first fight, but hopefully the last. Addie quickly got Gwen to the ground, coming to rest above her.

"The fuck do you know about Chase?" Addie harshly asked Gwen, making the girl open and close her mouth in shock of being punched in the nose. "I asked you a fucking question, Gwen." She spit out, honestly surprised no one had pulled her off the girl yet.

"I-I he reached o-out-" Gwen was cut off as Addie was suddenly ripped off of Gwen, turning her head she was met with Matt's confused gaze. She instantly shook him off her, watching as Gwen came to stand with them, holding her nose.

"You were saying?" Addie asked, taking a step closer to Gwen.

Gwen flinched, "He told me to keep an eye on you." Gwen quietly confessed, as Addie watched the rest of her friends react to the amount of blood exiting Gwen's nose.

"How do you even fucking know him?" Addie asked, throwing her hands in the air. She was never going to escape him. It wasn't fucking fair.

"We went to summer camp together in middle school." Gwen sighed, accepting a napkin from another student that was sitting at a table nearby.

"Adeline Manson, Gwen Bowen, my office please." The principal had joined the group, making Addie scoff.

"Fuck this, I'm going home." Addie replied, grabbing her bag and ignoring her friends as she began to walk away.

"Adeline my office, now!"

"Addie, wait."

"What the fuck happened."

"The fuck you say to her Gwen?"

authors note .ᐟ
guys i'm plotting rn 🤭

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