Chapter Thirteen - Welcome Back

Start from the beginning

Hermione pressed her lips together. "For which part? Calling me a whore? Saying you wished I'd never come back or for assuming I was lying about what happened?" She was deeply hurt by the red heads words.

"All of it," Ginny said, but her lip. "I'm sorry he is my brother and -"

"And of course, you are going to take his side," Hermione shrugged. "Which is exactly why I chose to leave rather than tell you what really happened. I knew you would take his side. And rightly so. I am not angry at you for standing up for your family. I am heartbroken at what you said about me. You chose the cruelist of words with the sole intention of hurting me. And you did."

"I'm sorry," Ginny cried. "I'm so sorry. I can't believe I said that to you. I didn't mean it. I -"

Hermione put her hand up. "Ginny, you meant every word. You were defending him, so I understand why you snapped," Ginny sighed in relief. "But what you said was unforgiveable. No matter what happened, I would never say those things to you. Never!" Ginny looked down like a school girl being scolded. "And you used them so easily. You were so angry." Hermione shook her head and turned to Draco and then Luna. "It was a mistake coming back here."

"Hermione, no -" Harry and Draco both said, but she shook her head again and stepped back further from the group pulling Draco with her.

"I knew this would happen. I knew you would take his side. I expected that. But I'm sorry I can not forgive or forget what you called me or what was said." She turned as Ginny called out for her, but she shook her head again and again pulled Draco with her to the Slytherin table where she sat down and immediately leaned into Draco who wrapped his arms around her, hugging her. She put her hand out, and Pansy grabbed it, sqeezing it to comfort her.

But she didn't cry. She was all out of tears for the friends she used to have. She said her piece, she got the truth out there and they could see that she was OK. That she survived them. And she reconciled with Harry. That's what was important to her. So she lifted her head and turned pointing to the glass. "Is this gin for me?" She asked as Pansy nodded. She lifted the glass and took a sip as Luna and Blaise sat down.

She had no idea what Minerva said to Ron, but he glared at them before sitting down at the table, not taking his eyes off them. At least he had stopped shouting.

"You were amazing," Draco said, kissing her cheek.

"Thank you, darling," she smiled at him and turned to Pansy. "Sorry, did I spoil your hard work?" She pointed to her face.

"Hard work?" Pansy rolled her eyes. "Hardly you are the easiest person to doll up as you need very little. You're already gorgeous. It's annoying."

Hermione chuckled. "Did I do alright?" She blushed.

"Sweetheart, the way you announced you were a Malfoy was pure Slytherin," she smirked. "You're spending too much time around us."

"No such thing," Hermione smiled and lifted her glass into the middle of the table. "To this weekend. Fresh starts and making memories." Evrryone clinked their glasses as McGonagall took to the podium.

She held her wand to her throat and called for attention. "Well, that was a dramatic start to the weekend. But this year, you were always the troublemakers." There was a round of laughter. "But it is wonderful to see you all again. To greet familiar faces as well as new. To see so many lovely couples. I shall be heading back to my office very smug at having won a bet with Albus about a few of you getting together." Again, people laughed.

"It's not often we have a reunion in the school, but this year group, this class were the class that went through the most while at school. And I don't just mean the Golden Trio and the kids with tasks beyond the norm here at school." Hermione leaned forward into Draco, who kissed her head as she wrapped her arms around him, almost hugging him from behind.

It was making Ron's blood boil

"Everyone in this year was part of something greater. While at school, you dealt with dementors, evil wizards pretending to be teachers, a wolf and grim on school grounds, a troll, a basilisk roaming the halls, a triwizard tournament...and that was all before your OWLs."

"The fact that you made it out of the school alive is an accomplishment in itself," she teased. "But I am proud of you all. The way you defended your school and defended each other when it mattered shows me just how much you had grown during your years here. And look at you now. All grown up with families of your own. It's all any teacher wants for their students."

Draco leaned back to whisper to Hermione as Ron cracked his knuckles under the table, still watching him. The couple had no idea however as they were lost in their own little world. It was Harry and Blaise who noticed him watching them intently. Both men now worried for their friends.

"This weekend was more of a thank you, to you all. A way to get you all together and allow you to celebrate your accomplishments while reminiscing about your time here. I know it probably won't be long until some of your own children are walking through those doors for the first time but this weekend is about you. Having fun and enjoying your youth while you still have it.
I trust you all had a chance to look at your itenary. We have dinner now with a few drinks after to allow you to catch up. Then I suggest an early night as tomorrow morning, we have breakfast and then a tour of the new school before a late lunch. Then we have the afternoon free for you all to get ready before our ball on Saturday evening. For those who don't need long to get ready, we will be having a few games in the grounds and in my old Transfiguration classroom. We Summoners Court and owl racing outside in the grounds. Chess or poker in my old classroom and Gobstones and Snitch Snatcher in the courtyard. Then on Sunday we have shopping in Hogsmeade before our little surprise which is that we thought we would host a Quidditch game for all who want to partake while the rest of us watch in the afternoon before another feast. Then on Monday we say farewell after breakfast."

Draco's eyes lit up at the mention of Quidditch. He hadn't played in so long and he missed it terribly.

"So without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Hogwarts. Let the feast begin!" McGonagall clapped her hands and the tables were suddenly crammed with food with everyone digging in.

There weren't long tables like usual. Much like the Yule Ball, the long tables were replaced either round ones so Hermione was happily to eat and chat to everyone with ease. She kept catching Ginny's eyes as she looked up. The girl looked miserable but Hermione was still angry at her for what she had said. She knew why she said it but the words she used were intentionally hurtful. She knew Ginny was prone to speaking without thinking but Hermione was hurt and she wasn't ready to forgive.

"Hey," Draco said lifting Hermione's hand and kissing it. "Are you alright?" Hermione nodded but Draco wasn't buying it. "Love, I know you're not. Is it Ginny?" Again she nodded. "Well if it's any concelation, the girl looks miserable. I know she said pretty awful things but she didn't mean them. It was obvious she didn't mean them. And its obvious she loves you very much."

"As much as you do?" Hermione challenged.

"Impossible, no one loves you like I do." He leaned in and kissed her. "You will forever be my always." Hermione's heart gave a little flutter. The way it always did when Draco said somthing romantic or special, which was several times a day.

"I think you handled the whole thing well," Luna assured her. "You got the truth out and you made up with Harry. Mission accomplished." Hermione gave her a smile. "It's obvious how much Harry cares for you. It was sweet watching you reconcile."

"I feel like I got my brother back," Hermione explained. "I wish things had went better with Ron." She bit her lip.

"It's not your job to cure crazy," Theo pointed out. "He is delusional!"

"And possessive. Was he like that when you were dating?" Daphne asked.

Hermione nodded. "I used to think it was sweet. Like he was protective. Now I know better."

"Well I have my eyes on him," Blaise said. "I don't trust him as far as I could throw him." He had already thought of ways to ensure Hermione was safe.

"Me neither," Draco admitted. "And I don't think we have heard the last of him this weekend."

Daphne sighed. "I was afraid you were going to say that."

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