𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏 - 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞.

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Me and Melissa were walking to the house after getting out of the cars. We had just come back from the dinner and I was looking forward to seeing Auriana. I don't know why, maybe I just miss her. She was quite easy to miss. With those red locks, those glistening grey eyes, that beautiful smile. Everything about her just astounds me.

Melissa went off to shower so I walked off to Riri's room. I knocked. No reply. I knocked again, and just as before. No reply. I opened the door assuming she was maybe sleeping but no. She wasn't there.


I messaged her asking where she was. No response so I called her 3 times. No answer. Where is this girl at? I opened her instagram story and to my surprise it was a little video of her dancing up upon some random guy. She was wearing the shortest little dress one wrong move and you'd be flashed. I replied to it and I just grew angrier and angrier. What was she up to?

-"Are you fucking kidding me?"
-"Im on my way."

And I was. Whoever posted it had tagged where they are so I put it into my GPS and drove off but before I left I made sure to make up some lie to Mel so I don't raise her suspicions.

20 minutes later..

I arrived and was currently outside the club. I walked over to the body guard, skipping the long line. I gave him £100 to let me pass and he did. The things people do for money.

Anyways, I was inside and was searching for Auriana. It was hard considering the hundreds of people jumping up and down. I was really not dressed for this, I was in a suit and tie surrounded by people without shirts and the most scandalous outfits.

I bumped into this guy who was on the phone, the guy who looked familiar to the one Riri was dancing with, could it be? "Where is she?!" I yelled. He frowned and spoke to the person on the phone, "Yo, holl' up this minted brudda is chattin' to man." (For my non-brits > "Yo, hold up this rich looking guy is talking to me.")

"What the fuck did you just say?" I titled my head waiting for his response. "What do you think I said bro?" he snapped back. "Too scared to repeat yourself?" I gave him a sarcastic look of pity. Who did this scumbag think he was? He spoke to the person on the phone again, "Cya b." then ended that call.

"Look brudda, if you got a prob lets jus' sort it out now. Cool?" he shrugged. "I don't know who you think you're talking to right now." I scoffed, he's one silly boy.

Just as he was about to utter more nonsense I heard an oddly familiar voice approaching. I looked over and it was Riri holding two shot glasses making her way over here not noticing me at all.

"You took long babe." he announced. Babe? BABE??? Fuck no.

"Auriana im taking you home. Now." I demanded grabbing her attention. "Luciano!" she seemed eager to see me at first. She ran up to me as best as she could with her little heels and pressed her lips against mine. Usually I would kiss back but she was clearly drunk. I could smell and taste the alcohol off her tongue. I slowly pulled her off me, "You're drunk."
"Way to state the obvious genius. Wait im supposed to be mad at you. Ugh. Im mad now." she crossed her arms. All I could do was chuckle I had no clue what she was on about.

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