Tony truly was the asshole of all assholes.

She had been scrolling through the pictures you'd sent when Tony snatched her phone from her hands, dangling it in front of her and telling her she couldn't text her "new boy toy" until she smiled for the press and signed a few autographs.

Crowds were also notorious for crimes, and although Tony had security stationed everywhere that didn't mean it still wasn't easy to commit a crime in this environment- it was a hotspot for pickpockets and some adult fans could get a little too aggressive or handsy. Anyone could be dangerous- she would know, she's been 'part of the crowd' plenty of times.

Still, the little hopeful faces of all the children in the crowd were part of the reason she hadn't murdered Tony on the spot for making her do this. The kids looked up to her like she was the greatest thing in the world, the ones who saw her as a hero and didn't know about her past.

She wonders how many of those kids will grow up to read about all the red in her ledger and despise her for it.

So she wasn't having the best time. She'd much rather be coddled up in her room reading a book or training in the gym.

For a second she wonders what you're up to today, if you've texted her any pictures since she checked. It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon, perfect weather, the kind of day you'd want to spend outside. The kind of day she'd spend convincing you to go outside and laughing when you sent her a frowny face you'd made out of fallen leaves.

She would get more time to text you or listen about your more than odd work experiences if Tony wasn't constantly bugging her about this government thing.

You seemed more occupied in the days she was gone. You sent her more pictures of things outside than of your coffee table and TV screen. She would take you anywhere you wanted if she ever met you.

She's glad to see you're getting out more on your own though, and if it has something to do with this Leon guy...

Scanning the crowd she observes all the women she can see. Most are ogling Steve and Tony, some of them are looking at her with jealousy over how close to Steve she's standing. She nudges him in the shoulder just to rile them up and she swears a few of them breathe fire. It makes her chuckle.

A few of the women look at her with awe, and she wonders if maybe one of those faces is you. You did say you were a fan of hers.

Would you be at an event like this?

With that in mind, she begins analyzing every single woman in the crown. Searching for your favorite colors, your favorite shows on any shirts, any sign of you in every woman.

But for some distinct reason, she gets the feeling that you're not there.


"Why are you always taking pictures while we're out?" snapping another cute picture of your ice cream you put your phone down and turn to Leon. You had been snapping plenty of pictures of random things to send to Nat while you'd been on your dates with Leon. You were honestly surprised he hadn't asked earlier.

Maybe he thought it was a girl thing.

"I'm just sending pictures to my friend" The word feels weird in your mouth for the second time "We don't hang out much so I send her updates of what I do all day" You frown as you see the 'seen' notification on your other messages but no bubbles pop up "honestly I think she's getting tired of it..."

A hand on your shoulder makes you jolt and you try and relax when you realize it's only Leon again. His hand rubs circles on your shoulder and you're surprised at how irritated you are at the action. The Y/n from a few weeks ago probably would have been giddy at all this physical affection but lately, it just doesn't feel right. You don't have the heart to tell Leon that though

"I don't think anyone could grow tired of you, maybe she's just busy?" Slipping his hand from your shoulder to your hand he begins tugging you out of the ice cream shop and into the busy sidewalk. Whatever event was going on earlier had died down and you'd finally recovered from your attack.

Leon begins lightly swinging your arms back and forth as you walk back in the direction of your apartment

"Does she live nearby? If she's busy at work maybe we could surprise her?"

The idea of surprising Nat puts a smile on your face but you don't even know where she lives, or if she'd even want to meet you. The smile slowly slips off of your face and your stomach turns with anxiety and disappointment

"No, she... you're right she's probably too busy"

When you get home you schedule another appointment with your therapist for the anxiety and PTSD... and for the excessive overthinking.


A few days later the doorbell rings and you internally cringe. Opening the door you're not even surprised when you see the third deliveryman this week. You accept the bouquet of roses with a half smile and then shut the door in his face.

You've been declining dates with Leon ever since Nat came back from work and he seems to think you're mad at him or something so he's been sending you bouquets of roses every few days to ask you out.

You know it's not fair to him when he doesn't know why you've gone quiet all of a sudden but you can't help the fact that you wished you were on dates with someone else.

Someone you've never even seen or met but desperately long for.

The first time Leon got you flowers in your relationship was cute and had you blushing for days. Although you were a bit embarrassed opening the door in your sweats and hoodie, the delivery kid didn't seem to mind as he handed you a large bouquet and a cute little handwritten note.

You were so excited about it that you texted Nat to gush right away.



He got me roses!!

The response was immediate as always.



Roses aren't your favorite flower?

Nat didn't mean to kill your excitement but she couldn't help but feel a little upset that you were getting so excited over a bouquet of flowers that weren't even your favorite.

A few irrational minutes later her thumb hovered over the 'purchase order' button on her phone. Finding some kind of satisfaction in knowing you better and one-upping his gesture.

But she came to the unfortunate realization that she wasn't supposed to know where you live. And it wasn't like she could have you thinking he got you those flowers. So she canceled the order and settled for the hesitant excuses you made for him not knowing your favorites.

That in and of itself should have brought her at least some satisfaction but instead, she just found herself angry that you weren't being treated as well as you should be. She knew she could do so much better. She could treat you so much better than him.

But she was a coward.


You put the flowers on the counter, not bothering to find another vase you knew you didn't have. Whatever initial excitement you'd had when you first met Leon had vanished and you think it was because of Nat.

She'd taken over every single aspect of your life and you didn't really mind, because you liked Nat... A lot.


A/n: Sorry to whoever's favorite flowers are roses they were just the most generic flower I imagined a guy would pick~ Starry

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