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Just so there's no confusion when characters are talking
Raven is in bold
Bella is normal
Xolo is underlined
and Mari is in italics

She also on the set of YOU rn


Private message
Raven and Bella

My bird
Hi babe I know you're busy
But I miss you and Kiki and every one
                                      And I just wanna go home

Bellie bae
Awe My love I promise
I'll call when I get the chance

My bird
Ok talk later?



Ravens pov

Yeah that was 2 days ago I'm not sure this long distance thing is working for us it's been 3 weeks since Bella's called me or answered my calls 

They've been avoiding me if we're being honest
Xolo says that it'll work out in the end but I'm starting to regret this whole moving and filming and being in a relationship

I've been chilling in my trailer I'm not needed for another hour

I've been writing songs but they all sound sad and aren't really my favorite

Xolo said he's gonna bring Mari so she can show me her new toys that her dad sent her he apparently bought me and daisy matching necklaces I think they'll be cute

Private message
Xolo and raven

Xolito 😒
I'm parking

Rave 🤘
The doors unlocked so just walk in

Read 2:23 pm

Xolito😒 liked the message


Ravens pov

As soon as I write a decent lyric someone knocks on my door of course I can't do anything

"Dude I said to just walk in"

I get up and open the door

That is NOT XOLO


If they think them buying me flowers is going to make me less mad then they are probably right

"Hi my love"

I hug them skipping the kiss considering Mari is right next to us in Xolos arms

"Xolo do you mind taking Mari to penn's trailer he's been wanting to see her"

He nods and takes her

"Raven I'm really sorry I've been busy but I missed you so I'm here..why are you looking at me like that"

"Because you and I both know that you're not here for that ..Bella if you're going to break up with me just do it already"

They look at me like I'm crazy

"I'm not gonna break up with you.
In all honesty I thought you were going to break up with me because I said "I love you"and then I avoided you like the plague and then u showed up here like nothing happened but I just need to see you and tell you in person because-"

I cut them off this the best kiss of my entire life



"Mari um ok so I need to tell you something"

She picks her jaw up a little leaving her mouth still open nodding wildly

"Bella and me .. how do I explain this to a 4 year old ok Mari bella es mi novio"
(Bella is my boyfriend I forgot how to say significant other in Spanish )

"Tu novio?"
(Your boyfriend?)

"Si Estábamos juntos como papá y Daisy"
(Yea we're together like your dad and daisy are)


"Are you okay with that"

"Si me gusta Bella y son amables conmigo."

(Yes I like Bella they're nice to me )

Well today was eventful

And it's only 3 pm



Hey my fine friends I'm back after a month and a half
I have a fractured toe so I won't be busy with dance for a while so I'll be writing

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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