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Jeongin's words kept echoing in Chan's head. It didn't add up. How could Jeongin not allow people close to him when he had so many friends? There had to be at least one person in his life to whom he told all his grievances. Chan suspected it to be Jisung. They were best friends, after all. He started having doubts as he listened to Jisung, Minho, and Seungmin talk over a quick take-out dinner.

"We should try to hook Jeongin up with a girlfriend soon. It'll take his mind off his work," Jisung sighed, tinkering away with some weird gadget while Minho and Seungmin dug into the food.

Chan was curious if he should mention that they would go out on a date or if that should be unspoken. Chan had thought Jeongin didn't like men, but these were his friends. How could they not? "Leave him alone. He'll get another girlfriend when he's ready," Minho said.

"I'm just worried. Jeongin's surrounded by all these couples, and he doesn't have anyone to go out with when we're busy."

At least Chan could count on Jisung to care about things like that. "What's he into? Jeongin's a pretty hard guy to read," Chan offered, establishing his place in the conversation. He should get some information on his soon-to-be short-term boyfriend.

Jisung and Minho mirrored each other with a shrug. "He's dated all kinds of girls. A cheerleader, nerd, and punk, to name a few. They've never stuck for long, probably because of their clingy personalities. He can't stand people that invade his personal space and private time," the hero stated.

Chan had the idea that it was because of Jeongin's mom. He probably didn't like people knowing about her. Then again, who would? She was an alcoholic. It was embarrassing for him. Chan propped his elbow up on the back of his chair and glanced out the tower's large windows. Had he visited her since the last time? What had he been doing there in the first place?

Chan had a million questions—all ones that he couldn't ask Jeongin. Or maybe he could. Nothing stopped him from doing it but his own hesitation. "He seems pretty cold," Seungmin said.

"He changed after high school. We all did. I guess he became more reserved and mature."

Mature or traumatized; which one was it? He guessed he'd figure that out on his own with time. Deciding he didn't want to hear any more spoilers from the crew, he got up, changed, and left. No one asked where he was going. They'd gotten used to it. He texted Jeongin, asking for the college address to which he should go. When he got it, he went to Jeongin's building and waited outside.

It'd been a week since the co-worker's passing. Surprisingly, Jeongin's workload didn't increase. Chan was glad. It'd give Jeongin some time to heal. Yet Jeongin didn't seem all that affected by the woman's death after the day it happened. He was always quiet from the start, and it wasn't easy to tell what he was thinking.

Chan's attention stirred when he felt a hand on his shoulder and a face come close to his, an energetic, "rawr," escaping the perpetrator. Jeongin was practically beaming, with light makeup coating his blemishes and eyes seemingly having colored contacts. They weren't anything tacky, just a lighter brown. Chan swallowed thickly as his eyes took in the loose, oversized cotton shirt that hung over skinny jeans.

"Eyes up, hero. That's an illegal activity for a first date," Jeongin said, tapping his chin to get him to lift his head. He was giving him a mischievous and attractive smirk.

Chan smiled back with a light scoff and slipped his hand under the strap of his bag. He took it onto his shoulder and raised a brow. "Who made that rule? You know, I'm older than you. We tend to take things a little faster."

Jeongin's face began flushing, and he glanced away. It was cute. Usually, he'd make a remark. Chan ruffled his hair with a chuckle. "I'm kidding. What do you want to do?"

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