Rainy morning -nanami

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No one knows this, but rainy days are Nanami's favorite.

Well, you know, but no one else does.

No one else gets to see Nanami this way except you. You wake up and he's there, pressed against your back, solid, warm and comfortable. You blink several times and you hum happily. Rain is falling outside. You remain still and listen as thick drops splatter to the ground. Dull light filters its through the white curtains and you can see the gray sky outside. You send up a silent prayer, thanking whoever is listening for the rain, and for the fact that it's Saturday morning.

You feel Nanami stir against you and you know he's awake.

"Morning, love," he mumbles.

His voice sends little jolts of electricity down your spine. No matter how many times you hear it, his gravely, morning voice always makes your heart flutter. You turn to face him and you can't help but smile. His eyes flit to the window and a soft expression steals across his face. "Rain," he says happily. He closes his eyes and presses a light kiss against your forehead.

You snake an arm around his torso in an attempt to get even closer to him and he winces. You gasp softly and try to pull away but he nuzzles closer to you.

"I'm so sorry, I forgot," you stutter.

"It's alright," he breathes. "It will heal eventually. I'm just getting old," he says with a little pout.

You bite down on your bottom lip for a moment before speaking. "Nanamin...don't you want to...take a break from work for a while?" you ask quietly.

He opens his eyes and looks at you. "Why?" he asks.

You swallow thickly and frown. "I worry about you all the time. I never know what condition you're going to show up in, or if you'll even show up at all." The words tumble from your lips as a ball forms in your throat. You've been skirting around this issue for some time now and an unpleasant fluttering of butterflies scatter in your stomach.

Nanami frowns and he props himself up on one elbow to look down at you.

"I make enough money for the both of us, I could support you while you look for another job...something less...dangerous," you say. Your voice comes out almost as low as a whisper and suddenly you can't look at him. You feel your eyes sting and you know the moment you open them, tears will roll down your cheeks. You have never cared this deeply about another person in so long it almost hurts. Thinking about Nanami and the situations he put himself in daily scares you.

You know why he does it, and you know he probably won't stop until the job has killed him but you can't help it.

A few moments pass between you and you can't tell where he is. His breathing is slow and deep and you place a palm flat against his chest. "I...love you," you mumble, your cheeks burning. A soft intake of breath and suddenly his lips are pressed against yours.

"My love," he murmurs tenderly. He reaches to cup your face with his palm and brushes his thumb across your lips. "Nothing is promised to us," he says softly.

You finally open your eyes and stare into his. "But...you're not safe, Nanamin, I can't..." your voice trails off and he kisses you again, stealing your breath.

"No one is ever safe, my love," he says. "But I do understand that my job puts me more at risk than others."

His voice is like a soothing balm against all of the anxious thoughts swirling around in your head.

"I've never thought much about...the future," he says softly.

You look up at him and realize that he's staring out the window.

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