Shattered Peace

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Grant laughed, "she sure is."

A tray surprised them both once it fell next to Connor, "do you guys mind if I join you?"

Much to Connors surprise Grant was the one to speak up, "of course not."

Jack smiled sitting down on the bench, "normally I would sit over with Finn and his douche bag friends, but I'm just not feeling up to dealing with it today."

"Understandable" Grant laughed, "you could have just said you had to sit next to your brother and I would have understood."

Jack chuckled at this, "I can assume your not a big fan of my brother."

Amber, being high as a kite, butted in, "are you kidding me? This dude fucking loves 'em! And there's more fucking than love from him that he wants." She jumbled up her words.

All eyes were on Grant who had a single eye brow rose in amusement as he stared at Amber, "are you sure you did weed and you don't actually have vodka in that bottle?"

Amber laughed, "trust me I'm not like every other girl in this god forsaken school."

Rolling his eyes Grant looked over to Jack and Connor who had mixed expressions. Jack seemed more hung up on the fact that she was high, while Connor seemed to believe her knowing they had no secrets between those two, "what's she talking about?"

"She has the idea that I like Finn, which obviously is not true as he's an arrogant prick" Grant laughed before turning to Jack, "yeah she's high, just ignore it or else she'll get bitchy."

"But at school?" Jack questioned, "won't she get caught?"

Dropping the whole Grant and Finn thing Connor turned to Jack, "let's be honest, it's weirder for us not to be high in this school."

Shaking his head agreeing Jack started to eat his prison food, "that's true."

Grant surveyed the room as loud laughter erupted a couple tables away, "look what little Finny is doin' in his spare time."

Of in the distance Finn was fuming. His shirt was covered I mashed potatoes and the disgusting slop they call gravy, which slowly trickled down farther to his pants, "you fucking prick!"

Grabbing the small freshman by the straps of his backpacks he slammed his against the wall. The boys feet kicked as Finn rose him to eye level, "it was an accident I swear! You got up in front of me out of nowhere!"

"So it's my fault then? You think I wanted to be covered in this fucking crap?" The lunch room had fallen silent, all eyes on the scene sealing the fate of the poor boy. Everybody knew that with a crowd someone as popular as Finn was not going to let someone disrespect him, "well I'm going to make you fucking pay for this shit."

Jack was horrified at the scene only because of the age gap. He had seen his brother get in fights all the time, but never with someone so young compared to him, "he's going to hit him." He muttered under his voice.

"Not if I have anything to do with it" Grant slammed his hands on the table standing up, eyes now on him, "hey Finn, I think the mashed potatoes and gravy looks good on you, reminds me of your brain."

There was a mixture of 'ooh!' and 'who the fuck is he?' while Finn spotted him. Finn could say he was surprised by the fact Grant was publicly attacking him especially after their chat, yet he wasn't at the same time. Dropping the squirming kid, who fled once he hit the ground, he turned to Grant, "reminds me of what your going to look like in a few more seconds if you don't sit down like a good little bitch."

Grant simply scoffed at the remark, "ooh yes and after that I can bow to you as your such a god compared to me. Why do you have to be such a fucking ass?"

Finn's mind was clouded now with the need to protect his status. Storming over to the unfazed teen he looked down, "this is your last chance."

Grant was not sure if he was going to get hit or not, but he didn't care. He was fed up with this dudes shit and he was sure everyone else was to, "or else your going to make an example of me right? Hit me a couple of times to show everyone else here not to question you or your stuck up friends? Let that be then as your just showing everyone else how much of a prick you are, not that they didn't already know that."

In a second Grant was on the floor with Finn on top of him. Anger and frustration not just from the situation, but from everything, came out on the boy below him. A gentle hand on his shoulder stopped him after several hits, "Finn."

Looking at the person he saw his brother, eyes wide and brimming with tears. That's when he looked around and noticed that no one was cheering him on like they usually were. Instead their faces are written with absolute horror and some even crying a little. Finn heard a soft chuckle from below him, "well glad to be your outlet."

Grants face was already turning purple from the repeated hits to his face. The side of his head seemed especially beaten up, a small amount of blood trickling down it. Finn's face softened, but then hardened once again, "teaches you a lesson in respect."

"Coming from the one who rapped a girl" Amber whispered, or tried to, to Connor, "or was it Grant that was rapped. What if he was a rapper!"

Finn's face scrunched up as he stood looking at the high girl before shaking his head and stepping over Grant's body. He cringed slightly as Jack replaced him with soothing words to the beaten boy. Eyes were once again trained in him as he headed to the door and he could of sworn he heard someone say, "and that kids is an example of oppression by the rich."

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