Chapter 94: Rescue Panz Fry!

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"No problem." Franky sat down next to her, also popping his cola open. "So if it's not me, then what's up? I know you're not still bummed out about not going out with the rest of the crew." Franky gulped down about half his cola in a few swigs.

"No, it's not that either." (Y/N) sighed, sipping her cola. "I just been thinking about my family... not just you guys, but my actual blood relatives."

Franky sat down his cola on his thigh. "I never really asked you about your folks all those years ago. So your mother passed away when you were just a kid?"

"Yeah. My father left a year before too, so I really have no clew about my relatives." (Y/N) hung her head a bit, drawing circles around the rim of her cola bottle. "What frightens me the most is knowing there's more out there."

Franky looked down at (Y/N) in slight shock. "Really? Did you do some research on your family during the two years?"

"No, Shank's told me about them. Turns out my only uncle died years before I was born. But before he died, he denounced his title. Meaning I'm the only World Noble left in my family tree." (Y/N) deeply sighed, rolling her eyes to look away from Franky. "It also turns out that his children are still alive. Well, I think at least one of them. Shank's told me to be on the look out since he's somewhere in the New World."

"That's a good thing, isn't it? Since we're here, you might run into him and be able to learn more out your family's history." Franky replied with a smile, but (Y/N) didn't look up at him making his smile fade.

"It's just that... I don't know if I'm ready to meet anyone yet. The thought of facing my father again frightens me, let alone meeting any of my relatives." (Y/N) began to shake. "I mean, what if they're assholes like my mother? Or they're completely different? Will they even accept me? I am a pirate now. What if they hate pirates?!" Her anxious shaking stopped when Franky wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into a side hug. (Y/N) giggled. "I don't know how you do it, but you always put a smile on my face."

Franky chucked. "I'm just repaying all the smiles you've given me." Franky placed his hand on (Y/N) cheek, turning (Y/N)'s face up to his. "I've never told you this before, but for long as I've known you... you're stronger than anyone I've ever met. I'm more than certain you'll have the strength to stand face to face with your relatives, and you know the rest of your family will stand beside you no matter the cost."

(Y/N) smiled, resting her head in Franky's hand, placing her hand on the back of his. "Thank you." (Y/N)'s eyes softened as she slowly came close to Franky. 'What am I doing? It's like my body is moving on its own. But this just feels too... right.' (Y/N) closed her eyes as she kissed Franky.

The two held the kiss for a few long seconds until Nami's loud shouting broke them from their trance. "Franky! Get over here, hurry! We changed the plan!" Franky and (Y/N) quickly broke apart, staring at each other as Nami continued. "Forget the raft! We'll just throw a rope around Panz Fry and run for it!"

"Roger!" Franky quickly stood up, heading to the helm. He didn't look back at (Y/N) behind him as he continued. "Could you, uh, lift the anchor up for me?"

"O-On it!" (Y/N) also quickly stood up, bright blush clear on her face as she turned and practically ran for the anchor. 'AHH!! First Zoro, then Robin, now Fla— I mean, Franky?! What the hell is happening with my love life? Three god damn crew mates, (Y/N)! Okay, okay. It's fine. I just know three people that like-like me...' (Y/N) shook off her thoughts as she finished lifting the anchor. She ran back to the helm's deck, straight past Franky and to Sunny's railing. She gasped at the sight of Panz being shot by underwater torpedos. "He's been hit! Franky, we need to hurry!"

"We're going as fast as we can, (Y/N)! Just make sure those torpedos stay away from the Sunny!" Franky shouted back.

(Y/N) nodded to Franky before turning back and scanning the waters below. She looked back up at the Navy ships around Panz when they were stuck by cannon fire. "That's good they're getting destroyed, but who the hell is doing that? We're too far away for me too heard anything. Damn it!" (Y/N) slammed her fist down on Sunny's railing in frustration. "Oh, sorry Sunny." She patted the railing, Franky chucked at her actions. The fog began to clear, allowing (Y/N) to clearly see the situation. Luffy jumped, inflating himself into a large ballon. 'What the hell is he doing...?' Soon enough, air sprayed out of Luffy's mouth before he flew backwards, bouncing off Panz's raft straight into a Navy ship before finally falling into the ocean. (Y/N) facepalmed, groaning. "He's so stupid."

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