Welcome new girl

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My name is Elynn Blythe, I was born March 16, 1862 in Charlotte Town.That makes me 13 years old. My brother is the boy who every girl gawks about, Gilbert Blythe. It's two days until school is back, I took out at the end of last year.

Dad got sick, really sick.He used to farm and hunt for our family, but now he was sick he couldn't. I bet your wondering why didn't Gilbert hunt, well when we were 6, Dad tried to teach Gilbert how to shoot bow and arrows and let just say after he got a arrow in lodged in his shoulder he wasn't to fond of it. So my dad tried with me just for fun, but I was great at it I shot well and he taught me how to shoot on horseback and how to gallop fast. Everything. It made me who I am today,

The secret Huntress of Avonlea.
Dad told me keep your identity secret people are not accustomed to girls doing boyish things, yes times were changing, just not fast enough; people would think that my mother didn't raise me right it wasn't very prim and proper.

Many of my hunting things were family heirlooms. My father forged me a bow, gave me his dagger(to make more out of wood). A sword my mother's great grandfather had given her;which she gave to me. My father told me to make money and do the hunting for money ever since he got sick it was a way of income, hunting wasn't just for fun anymore it was work.
I was running my morning hunt, and saw Mathew Cuthbert leaving, odd. That old lad usually is working in his farm, he waved to me, like every morning. At first I thought something could have happened to his sister Marilla. But he was were fancy enough clothes for it not to be an emergency, I bucked Black Beauty to ride faster, so I was able to ride next to Mr. Cuthbert along the other side of the fence.

    "Good morning, Mr Cuthbert, surprise to see you ride out so early." I said. " What the occasion?"

   " Oh, Good morning, we just adopted a boy Nova Scotia, I am going to get him."he divulged

    "Need more help on the farm I see?Well, have a nice day, Mr.Cuthbert." I inferred.

Mr. Cuthbert was getting older and struggled with the farm. I thought that was a wise decision Marilla made, little I did know how it would change so much.

I rode off and climbed up the highest tree and waited, then I biggest buck I had ever seen. I slowly I quietly grabbed my bow and pulled the arrow. Then,Splat, I shot it behind its shoulder, instant kill.I didn't know if Black Beauty could hold all the weight with the other animals as well. I always had an excuse for having dead animals on the back of my horse, "Oh I just got some food I got from someone.", but most of the time I just kept my coat on and throw the large cloth over my horse that hid both identities. I rode home
I showed Gilbert the buck, took a shower, ate, changed into a green dress with a white cover tie my hair in a bow, then I choose the dark brown out of my fancy boots.Prepare to go Charlottetown, I needed to buy some groceries for cooking, cloth the make Gilbert and me clothes, and Gilbert new boots.

The train ride was wonderful, and not having to worry about cutting up the animals, preparing them for delivery,but I did have to deliver them. Gilbert could do the prepping and cutting but he could not deliver them, let's just say he wasn't stealthily.

I finish earlier than I expected, so when I got home I finished the animal prep then sat with dad and talked.He wasn't getting better.

I got ready, put on my hunting clothes on and rode I made sure to leave the Cuthbert's last I wanted to see this boy, maybe he could be a friend, but when I rode by took the money that they hid for me; left the food.
It was a girl. A girl with bright red hair and was sitting in the dirt on her knees cry, Marilla was scolding her to get up, then Matthew saw  me and then he waved said something I couldn't hear to Marilla. She waved as I rode away and went home.
I told Gilbert about the girl.

"Maybe, it was an accident?"Gilbert queried.
"Accident, how?"I asked
How could it be an accident?
"They probably sent out word, and didn't go to the orphanage word got sent out wrong."Gilbert inferred
Whatever it was I knew it was going to be a long night for that girl.Three days til school.

Word Count 817

Thank you for reading ❤️❤️❤️

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