Chapter Seven - Hex Your Ass To Monday

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"Who's fault is that?" Harry retaliated. He had begged Ron to come back to school with them. Hermione, too. But Ron was having none of it.

"Na," Ron chuckled. "I barely survived the first 6 years. I wouldn't have been able to last another term." He looked to Harry. "But I did miss you and...her."

"Hermione," Ginny said impatiently. "Her name is Hermione."

It was obvious. The pain in Ron's eyes at the mention of her name. But he didn't break anything or throw anything, so that was progress in Ginny's eyes. "Her...Hermione," he said, the name sounding foreign on his lips.

"I hope she's here," Ginny said. "It will be nice to see her again. To talk to her. Catch up," she looked to Ron. "Finally find out why she left."

"I told you why she left!" Ron snapped clenching his fists. "She cheated on me! She ran off to be with this other guy leaving nothing but a fucking note and my ring." He couldn't look at Ginny as he shouted. "She broke my heart. You are my sister, you should be on my side."

Harry had heard this story 100 times, and every time there were new details or something about the story changed. "You said she took your ring with her?"

Ron paled. "Well....she...I mean...I don't remember!"

Ginny stood up now, furious. "Every time we ask you, your story changes. I think Hermione may be the one we need to talk to. She will tell us what really happened."

"Don't you -"

"Don't tell me what to do or I will hex your ass to Monday!" Ginny snapped as she turned.

Andi was standing in the doorway. "Chill out girl," she said coming in to stand with Ron. "Maybe you need to have a drink, might relax you. You look a little constipated when you scrunch your face up like that."

Ginny whipped out her wand and pointednto the couple. "You would do well to muzzle your puppy," she said flicking her wand towards the blonde bimbo. "Before I give her a tail!"

She walked out dragging Harry with her. He was damn proud of his wife. She never lost her sassiness. If anything becoming a mother actually made her more fiery. Harry knew she would actually give blondie a tail and more without even batting an eye.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" He chuckled turning around as Ginny let go of his collar and took his hand.

She smirked. "Not since this morning," she reached over and kissed him. "I am worried about Ron," she sighed as she stepped off the train. "He's....I think he's-"

"Drinking?" Harry answered for her. She nodded, a tear coming to her eyes. "I was dispatched to a pub yesterday for a disturbance...which turned out to be Ron....em...he was...well pissed and he stole a bottle of Firewhiskey from Boltis Tavern."

"You were dispatched?" Ginny smirked as she hopped into the carriage and folded her arms as Harry sat down next to her.

"Well...I mean....technically Collins was but I switched assignments with him." He looked up and shrugged. "Told him I would drop by his next poker night. Apparently he and his friends would get a kick out of it."

Ginny chuckled. Ever since Collins joined the team he had been following Harry around. He actually asked for an autograph once. She was sure he almost wet himself when Harry agreed to come to his little party.

"So he stole a bottle of alcohol?"

Harry nodded. "And managed to get in a fight with guy he owed money to."

Ginny shook her head. "He doesn't look bad...did he win the fight?"

Harry actually laughed at the notion. "Ginny he was hammered, of course not. He has used a glamour charm on himself I reckon."

The door to the carriage opened and Ron and a very pissed off looking Andi hopped in.

"I don't see why I have to sit with her considering she threatened me," Andi huffed. She turned to Harry. "You're an Auror, can't you arrest her for threatening me?"

Harry tried not to laugh, pressing his lips together. "She didn't actually do anything to you," he pointed it.

"She probably would have. I mean who knows. She seems a little...unhinged." She turned up her nose and cast a glance at Ginny. "She's crazy."

Ginny then laughed. "You've seen nothing....yet."

"Alright down tiger," Ron chuckled leaning his head back and closing his eyes. "I'm too tired for this shit!"

"I'm not sitting in a carriage with her," Andi practically squealed. "No way! We have to -"

Ron didn't even open his eyes. He lifted his leg and kicked open the door. "Walk then," he shrugged.

"What?" She gasped.

"Walk. It should only take about an hour or two," he said, his eyes still closed.

"Maybe more in those heels," Harry chuckled.

Andi sat back in the seat next to Ron and folded her arms, looking like she had just sucked on a lemon as the carriage began to move. "Some weekend this is going to be," she huffed.

"I say we kick her out," Ginny shrugged.

"The carriage is moving," Andi scoffed.

"I know," Ginny said turning to Harry. "I wonder if Luna is going to be here this weekend?"

"Looney Lovegood?" Andi scoffed. "Don't tell me you are friends with that nut job?"

"Actually she was my best friend," Ginny said almost daring her to say anything bad.

"She is all our friends," Harry pointed out.

"She's bloody mental," Andi scoffed. "She did a talk at my work about 2 years ago. It was so excruciatingly dull. She harped on about animal cruelty and how we should all be paying house elves the same wage as witches and wizards. I mean as if!"

Harry stared at the blonde. "Two years ago? You saw her two years ago?"

"Did I stutter?" Andi groaned.

"She was at your work?" Ginny asked. "What does she do?"

"Something to do with animals or some boring shit," Andi shrugged. "It was a way to get out of the office for a few hours, I didn't really pay attention."

Ginny looked to Harry and smiled. "She's OK," Ginny sighed.

It was a shock for everyone when Hermione took off that evening and didn't tell anyone where she was going. Then when they found out that Luna took off, Ginny was shook. In the space of a week she lost both her friends and she wasn't sure why. She never knew. And she never saw them again.

For all she knew Hermione and Luna had left the country. She never saw them about and they were not in the paper. She never heard a whisper about them. The only thing she knew was that both girls left intentionally. All their clothes were packed up and belongings were packed up and gone. She never worried as she and Harry received birthday cards and Christmas cards from both girls every year.

But she had so many questions she wanted answered and more than anything she wanted to know why...why they left without so much as a goodbye. For years Ginny had been angry, wondering how the girls could leave and not say a word. She didn't deserve to be abandoned. But after a while her anger seemed to leave her. She just wanted to know why. Why they left and why they didn't reach out.

Harry too just wanted to know why they left. Unlike his wife, Harry did look for Hermione. He spent years trying to hunt her down but never found any trace of her. He knew she had not left the country via any wizarding options. He had checked. There was the option that she left the wizarding world, leaving magic behind but he didn't think she would be able to. Hermione fought too hard to ensure that everyone who were chosen to practise magic got their chance to. He didn't think she would pack it in.

He hoped she wouldn't. He really wanted to see her again.

Time After Time.   *Complete* Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin