The Part where the flame flickers yet holds strong - Yudhistira.

Start from the beginning

For a long moment Yudhistira sat, feeling next to nothing. His heart was beating but it seemed to be beating against a hollow cavity, echoing with each pulsation. The eldest Pandava did not quite see the world around him.

The beautiful Gulmohar tree was shedding its flowers all around the little space. The tiny little brook which ran through, had no conceivable beginning or end. The cool breeze, very different from the general stuffiness of the Hastinapur palace, lent a refreshed environment to the surroundings.

Yudhistira felt a soft touch on his foot and raised his heavy eyes to find a squirrel gnawing at a red tree nut; it was not much more than a baby. Maybe because this place was somewhat isolated, the little creature did not know to fear humans.

The Samrat held out his hand and the squirrel twitched its little nose, carefully inspecting the palm. Deeming him to be safe, the little critter climbed unto the offered hand and snuggled against Yudhistira's thumb. Making minimum movement, the emperor etched a single fingered caress over the squirrel's forehead, revelling in its soft fur.

"I do not have anything to feed you; Sorry," he murmured and the squirrel put on a great show of attentive listening. "I just came here to get away from things for a moment. I did not mean to disturb you."

The squirrel titled its head and turned around a couple of times, shaking its furry tail.

Yudhistira's laugh was light and was traced with a hum of amusement. "You are a little like Arjun, you know." That he was holding a conversation with a random squirrel and the absurdness of it, was not lost on him. But, when you have Nakul as your brother, such things become a way of life.

"Arjun can also never sit still for a moment; except when he is practicing his archery. Even when he is having a conversation, you will find him moving around and fiddling with things. The only time I have seen him be at his calmest is when he is talking to Vasudev. But never have I ever seen my brother be as unmoving as he has been for the last couple of days. I do not know how to help my Phalgun. An emperor who is unable to help his younger brother; what can his subjects expect from him?"

The squirrel had bitten off the outer covering of the tree nut and was curiously nibbling at the kernel.

"My Dharma prohibits me from leading a frightened life, you know. But sometimes I cannot help but think whether I should be a little worried. One fine day, I may well be forced to make some decision, again, which will become the cause of my brother's affliction; for any of them or for all of them. It would be as per my Dharma but it would be against my brothers' well being. I do not know how to keep doing this again and again."

The squirrel suddenly looked around, quirked its little nose and with a little hop ran away into the bushes. Dried leaves crumbled and footsteps sounded; Yudhistira looked around and was the slightest bit taken aback at the sight of the person who stood there.

He sat staring, unmoving and unblinking, not really knowing what to say when Angaraj Karna came forth with hesitant steps and stood in from of Yudhistira.

"I-I did not know that the yard would be occupied." The Samrat was slightly taken aback at Angaraj's hesitant voice.

"Do you come here often?" He proceeded to ask.

"Sometimes." Came the effusive reply. "Had found it almost accidentally."

Angaraj Karna was carrying his bow and arrows and Yudhistira nodded towards them,

"You use it for your archery practice, Angaraj?"

His question was met with a hesitant nod and Yudhistira smiled; another similarity he found between the Angaraj and his Phalgun.

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