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Write this in chat so I know you read this : Cheesecake pizza!

1. If your gonna adopt someone please use them
Don't just adopt and never use them, I wanna see the adopts are up to

2. An adopt is only yours when I say so and Please don't get upset if you don't get an adopt if so then you will be blocked there will be more chances I promise

4. Be nice and kind you get three chances before block

5. I make these characters my designing JUST their looks. I use free to use  teamplates/Bases to make these and I will try my best to give credit (I say my best bc sometimes I can't get their user)

6. Please try not to take too much adopts lol
Try to leave some for others lol

Please tell me if I should add more rules yall

How to adopt your new friend!

NTA = {Name to adopt} I will probably use this the most but basically you name the adopt you want to well.. adopt lol

BTA= {Bio to adopt} You will need to fill out a form to adopt the creature it may look like this
There may be more added for some but it will be a short form

FCFS= {First come first serve} You can just ask for it and you'll have it! Just like that.

OTA= {Offer to adopt) Meaning you need to offer something to adopt the creature.
This may include art of oc's
Templates of animals
This may or may not happen often

-Blues Clues-
This is how I found my way in another adopt book so I'll do the same here!

🦴-Some are open
🐕- All are open

If you no longer want an adopt
please give them back so I may find
them a new home

That's all for now but before you go I'm going to give you a new password so I know you didn't just see the password at the start and rush through

VaseCat on cheesecake

Adoption Book of AdoptablesWhere stories live. Discover now