"I just can't bear to talk to her, after everything" Crystal told you as you sat on the steps outside of the palace, looking out at the streets of Attilan with people walking by. Another consequence of Maximus' actions was also demonstrated here, where the number of eyes that gave you suspicious glances had grown again as people had come to doubt your intentions after what was said and done. There were still those who didn't have such concerns, but after all the effort made to build a positive reputation...it felt like you were falling back to step one.

"It's all gone wrong, hasn't it?" You asked and Crystal looked at you as you stared ahead at the streets in front of you before you shook your head, suggesting a change of topic as things not were getting too pessimistic. "You had a training session with Gorgon today, didn't you? How'd that go?" You asked in that attempt to change the subject, but things only went around and back as Crystal mentioned this was the first training session since Maximus did what he did.

As well as instilling the tensions between siblings, the past week had led to a lot of damage control with Black Bolt trying to assuage the people's concerns. As the numerous suspicious glares increased, so did the voices questioning the King's decision to allow you to so freely wander Attilan. Gorgon, being the Royal Guard, stuck with Black Bolt in case there were any outbreaks of violence, only having the chance for a training session with Crystal once during the whole week with a similar situation being with Karnak and your Tai Chi lessons. The King needed his Royal advisor to help try and mediate situations, this and your controversial presence had put an indefinite hiatus on your lessons.

You tried to steer the conversation away, but here you were back on it again. Sighing, and resigning to that fact, you did ask Crystal about Triton. Obviously, he didn't want you anywhere near him so you haven't seen the scout since the trial, that rule wasn't in place for Crystal though. So you asked her about the wellbeing of the injured Inhuman and she answered that he has been healing.

"His bruises and cuts have all gone, though he does have some scars on his face from when he was burned, he's healed well all things considered" Crystal told you and you felt some relief from that, you felt terrible for what he went through, even more so with the fact it was humans who did that because they thought he was a Mutant. "Seeing what he did, experiencing what he did, I can't blame him for not wanting me around, at least he's doing better" you thought aloud before Crystal continued.

"Yeah, he's doing alright, maybe even to the point he might return to his duties soon" she said which made you look up, asking if that was a good idea so soon. "I'd have thought he'd be hesitant to after he was attacked" you said with Crystal replying that she thought so too, but Triton was dutiful, he was the only scout for the royal family and so the tasks did ultimately fall to him.

"Karnak has advised that he wait a few more days at least, to fully heal" the Inhuman Princess explained and you agreed that that was definitely for the best, Triton shouldn't push himself too much too soon after all. "Hopefully his next outing is less than eventful" you said before looking up to see all the people who were just staring, so many suspicious stares and glares that it made you too uncomfortable to stick around. So turning to Crystal, you told her that you were going to head back to your room and stay out of the way for a bit.

As you were standing up and turned around to the large doors to the palace just, they were being pushed open by Medusa as she had wanted to come out for some air. It was as if fate was wanting to make things just a little more awkward, the Inhuman Queen coming face-to-face with you and her sister with an immediate silence befalling the scene.

The three of you, under the surveying stares of the crowd, looked between each other, wondering who would speak first. Medusa was the one who opened her mouth first, but it was Crystal whose voice was heard first as she offered to go with you so the two of you could probably talk about something different. The Inhuman Princess walked by her sister without addressing her directly, Medusa being the one to initiate conversation with them by asking why her sister won't even talk with her.

"Because there's nothing to talk about; you made your thoughts clear last week, and I think I've made mine" the Princess replied before taking a step away, only for Medusa to speak again. "Crystal, please, all this animosity because of the human..." she didn't get to finish her sentence, Crystal turning back with narrowed eyes. "He has a name, you heard me say it!" She shouted, making you, Medusa and the people in the crowd jump.

Crystal glared at her sister, arms tensed at her sides. "But you don't care, you don't see a person, you just see a problem, don't you, Sister! You've only ever seen a problem in him when he's done nothing wrong!" The Inhuman Princess spat, making Medusa recoil as you stepped forward and spoke Crystal's name in a hushed tone, saying that she should try and lower her voice. She refused, turning to you as she told you that she shouldn't have to, and neither should you.

"You shouldn't have to try and justify Medusa's behaviour; the way she has treated you is wrong! The way so many treat you is wrong! Especially when you aren't at fault! You shouldn't have to justify the hatred you are receiving just because of others and their own personal biases!" She shouted before turning back to Medusa, pointing an accusatory finger at her sister as she continued to lay into her. "You never gave him the chance because you didn't like him! Even after others more than just me have vouched for him, you claim it's because you want to make your own opinion but still you listen to Maximus! It's hypocritical, Sister, you are hypocritical!" Crystal ended her shouting there, even then it was only because you exclaimed her name.

Falling silent, Crystal breathed heavily before slowly looking around. She finally got a chance to feel what you did when so many eyes were on her, just staring as she looked around. And the silence, deafening. That is until it was broken by Karnak speaking.

"What's going on here?" The Royal Advisor asked and the crowd shuffled to allow the sight of Karnak and Black Bolt standing there, the King staring at you, Crystal and Medusa. "Husband" Medusa uttered quietly whereas you looked at Crystal, the Princess breathing heavily still as she looked at you. "I-I'm Sorry, But...we may have to hold off on that talk, I'll see you later instead, yeah?" She asked, rhetorically it would seem too as you didn't get the chance to respond as she was already rushing off.

Looking back at Medusa, the Queen stared at you silently before she turned and walked down the steps, passing even her husband without a word as Karnak and Gorgon (the latter having been drawn in by the hubbub) were trying to disperse the crowd. And Black Bolt? He was looking at you, slowly ascending the steps to you as you fumbled over your words.

"I-I-I never wanted this; you and Maximus, Crystal and Medusa, I never meant to cause such trouble" you stammered out, the King simply bowing his head and closing his eyes as his nostrils flared. Then he walked away, entering the palace as you stood there on the steps, looking out as Gorgon continued to shoo away the crowd whilst Karnak addressed you, his tone both polite but also firm.

"Maybe you should head back to your room, blood running heated needs time to simmer" he said and you nodded, slowly turning and silently walking away. The palace halls were echoing with heavy footsteps, the only noise being made inside as outside Karnak and Gorgon dispersed some stragglers.

There were still some lingering stares though.

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