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*The room is peaceful and quiet. A bright white glow appears and when it fades, 5 people are standing in the room, confused and dazed. These are Rong Xuan, Yue Fenger, Wen Ruyu, Gu Miaomiao and Qin Huaizhang*

Wen Ruyu: *holds his unsteadied wife by the shoulders* What the...

*It's at this moment that the 5 notice each other. For a solid 10 minutes, they simply stare, shocked*

*Then 2 things happen at once. The first, Rong Xuan runs up to Fenger and pulls her into a tight hug*

Rong Xuan: Fenger! Fenger, I... I...

Yue Fenger: *hugs him back* It's okay. I'm just glad to see you again.

Rong Xuan: I'm sorry... I'm...

*Fenger shakes her head, holding him as Rong Xuan cries*

Yue Fenger: It's okay. You never wanted to go mad. It's not your fault.

*The 2nd thing to happen is Huaizhang approaching Ruyu and Miaomiao- his old friends- slowly*

Qin Huaizhang: *shakily* Ru... Ruyu... Miaomiao...

Gu Miaomiao: *bows deeply*

Wen Ruyu: *smiles sadly* Yeah... it's us. Thank you for everything you've done for us... Huaizhang.

Qin Huaizhang: 7 years ago... the farm... it was completely burned...

Gu Miaomiao: ...there was nothing you could've done about that.

Wen Ruyu: Miaomiao is right... you did what you could.

Qin Huaizhang: But... you're okay.

Wen Ruyu: *chuckles sadly, looking at Miaomiao* I don't any of us are "okay" anymore... but at least we're together now. In the afterlife.

*Overcome with emotion, Huaizhang pulls both of them into a hug. Ruyu and Miaomiao reciprocate, and for a long few minutes, the hugs persist*

*Then everyone lets go. Rong Xuan turns to Ruyu and Miaomiao, as do they. Fenger and Huaizhang follow*

Rong Xuan: *bows* Ruyu.

Wen Ruyu: *smiles* Rong Da-ge.

Rong Xuan: Thank you. I'm... so sorry for all the trouble I caused you.

Yue Fenger: *bows as well* On my husband's behalf, I thank you.

Wen Ruyu: We only did what any friend should've done. No need for thanks... and no need for sorrys.

Gu Miaomiao: Shijie... Rong Da-ge... Ruyu and I are so happy to see you.

*Rong Xuan and Fenger both laugh. For a moment, all is simply well*

Rong Xuan: Now. Should we try to figure out where we are?

*The group looks around. The room is mostly barren- the only things they can see being a large screen on the wall and a round carpet on the floor. It doesn't help that the light is a bit dim. As they look around, Ruyu finds a small black box in the corner*

Wen Ruyu: Hey uh... Huaizhang?

Qin Huaizhang: Hm?

Wen Ruyu: You're good at traps and gadgets, right? Can you take a look at this?

*Huaizhang goes to Ruyu and looks at the box. He taps the box, and when he hits a small button, the bump on the corner of the box whirls to life, and a ray of light shines from the big, round glass in front of the box*

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