03 - When The Heart Skips A Beat

Start from the beginning

He wanted to embrace him again. To feel the warmth Bright always gives him but this time he held himself down, he can't do that anymore, he shouldn't do it.

Bright was not his husband anymore, not his lover, not his friend, they were strangers again.

And Bright felt his actions being timid, he noticed Win stopped himself and just being himself, Bright made the move. He wrapped his arms around Win's body and patted his back.

"There, there, it's alright. Everything will be alright. Just breathe and everything will be back to its usual place. For now, you can let go of what's stopping you. Cry it all out. I'll be here." Caressing his back as he whispered those words.

These words, the exact words that the old Bright used to say to calm him down. It had been so long since he heard those words. And in a blink of an eye, the rain fell down to Bright's shoulder, Win was crying nonstop.

It hurts.
I missed him.

Why did this happen?
Why now when I thought I could forget him?
When I thought he had completely disappeared in my life.

It was a torture. He shouldn't be doing this. He should be associated with him again.

I need to stop.
This can't happen again.

And with that thought, he pulled himself out of that embrace and wiped his tears away.

"I'm sorry." eyes on the ground but Bright held his chin up.

"You don't have to say sorry. It's me who should say that. I felt like I did something so bad that caused you to cry so much. I can feel it, deep inside my heart."

"No— it will never be because of you. It's always me who brought this to the both of us. So please, never ask for my forgiveness."

Win took another breath in and calmed himself. He can't keep crying everytime he sees Bright.

Their eyes once again saw each other and Bright flashed this smile he always does to cheer Win up.

"Have you calmed yourself down now?" He asks and Win nodded. "Can I have your contact number?"

"My what now?"

"Your personal contact number."


"I felt like we do have some interesting past and I'd like to know the old me. I'd like to have a dinner or lunch, whatever you want. Will that be possible?"

His heart started skipping a beat for an unknown reason, but he remained still, not letting Win heart those crazy beats.

"Are you sure?"

Bright nodded and he watched Win lift his arm, touching his lips with his fingers, almost biting them as he looked at him.

There was a smile creeping behind his fingers and it made Bright choked. His face suddenly became red and embarrassed, Win started laughing and Bright started panicking.

"NO— that's not what I meant. Shi— Please, don't misunderstand me. I just wanted to know what I was before my accident."

He was smitten. He couldn't hide those red marks on his face and Bright was starting to get annoyed on how Win was reacting.

"Hey, stop looking at me like that. P-people are watching us."

"Alright." he cleared his throat and looked at Bright once again. "Hand me your phone."

And Bright did. He quickly hands his phone and Win dials his number, puts it on speaker and within seconds they hear a phone call ringing through Win's pocket. He gave him back his phone and took out his own phone to answer the call.

Win's eyes fixed his stare on Bright's and raised his phone to his ear, signaling Bright that he should put his phone on his ear too.

"It's me, Win."


After that, Win ended the call and slipped his phone back into his pocket.

"Text me when, I'll make time for you."

"You will?"

"I want to help, just by a small amount. I hope I can be helpful to you though."

"I hope you will be."

"Very well, I'll see you around Mr. Opas-Iamkajorn."

"I'll see you next lecture, Prof. Opas-Iamkajorn.


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