3 | that's no way to talk to your aunt

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S1 E3

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S1 E3

come fly with me

"I WISH I COULD STAY with you and fly toy airplanes." Manny says, while Jay sits at the counter, holding a toy airplane.

"Trust me, you don't." Mia tells the kid, messing his hair.

"These aren't toy airplanes, Manny." Jay replies. "These are models, and they're very complicated. You want to fly one of these, You got to be familiar with airfoil, drag, lift, and thrust, And these are all principles of aerodynamics."

"The box says 12 and up." Manny points out, making Mia chuckle.

"What?!" Jay asks, thinking that's absurd.

"You can fly toy planes with Jay next time." Gloria tells him. "Today you have to spend time with Luke."

"Why?" Manny asks.

"Because, your mom and I are gonna have the best day shopping!" Mia smiles, and Gloria chuckles.

"I've seen you be this excited when I used to take you with me to fly this bad boy." Jay says, still looking at the 12 and up text.

"Because, now, I actually want to go." Mia tells him.

"Ayy, but no." Gloria laughs, turning to Manny. "You have to go because his mother invited you, so you go. Family needs to be close, right, Jay?"

"I'm pretty sure this is a typo." Jay replies.

"Nice, dad." Mia nods.

"MANNY BOUGHT HIS FAVORITE GAME to play with Luke." Gloria tells Claire as Manny holds up the game.

"It's called empire." Manny explains. "You use strategy to expand territories And take over the world."

"Luke is gonna love that." Claire says.

"Is he, though?" Mia asks, tilting her head, making Claire shoot her a dirty look.

"He's out back playing." Claire tells Manny.

"Do you need us to get you something While I'm out shopping?" Gloria asks Claire.

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