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That very night, I stayed over at my girlfriend's place. Her parents were okay with me staying over, and I preferred not to go home on weekends for personal reasons. I often stayed up late due to my gaming habits. It was around 2 am when I felt thirsty, so I left Evelynn's room to get a drink.

After pouring myself a cup of Coke, I settled onto the sofa, engrossed in replying to my friends' messages. One of them had recently been in a bike accident, resulting in an unfortunate injury to his testicles. As I sat there, unable to contain my laughter, I continued to engage in the group chat, playfully teasing my friend.

About 20 minutes later, I heard a door swing open. Twisting my neck to one side, I saw Evon emerging from her room. "Hey, still not asleep, huh?" she asked in a sleepy voice. Thinking that my incessant laughter might have disturbed her sleep, I apologized to her.

Me: Sorry ah, I was laughing too loudly

Evon opened the fridge, pouring herself a glass of orange juice. "Oh, no, that's not what I meant! It's not your fault I'm awake!" she replied. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the fridge lights illuminate her face. Even without makeup and with messy hair, she still looked incredibly sexy.

Evon gulped down the juice and stretched her arms, letting out a yawn. As she stretched, her chest pushed against the fabric of her old t-shirt, emphasizing her curves. I couldn't help but imagine the t-shirt tearing one day, revealing the enticing sight beneath. What kind of idiot would let go of a gem like her? Pondering that, I shifted my gaze back to my screen. Anticipating her return to her room, I resumed my participation in the group chat. Surprisingly, Evon settled down next to me and playfully nudged me.

Evon: So, when are you guys gonna get married?

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before responding. "Uh, maybe in about two years?" I replied. "Haha, you guys should tie the knot soon, dad can't wait to be a grandparent!" Evon teased. Maybe it was the late hour, but I didn't hesitate before blurting out my response, "What about you? Have you considered finding a boyfriend too?"

At that moment, I noticed a peculiar expression on her face. Perhaps, I shouldn't have uttered those words. The image of her disappointed look lingered in my thoughts for the following days. Later that night, Evon attempted to brush it off with a laugh, claiming she was still waiting for the perfect man. Nevertheless, it was clear that my remarks had affected her.

A week later, I found myself back at my girlfriend's place, intentionally staying up late in the living room, eagerly anticipating another encounter with Evon. The wait felt like an eternity, but they say patience pays off. Sure enough, Evon emerged from her room, clad in her cozy pajamas, and greeted me with a smile. This time, she excused herself and headed towards the bathroom.

As she made her way back to her room, I halted her progress by calling out to her. "Hey, Evon. Can we talk for a moment?" I stood up, feeling a bit awkward as I called out to her.

Me: I realized what I said the other day was a little insensitive, you must have your reasons for the breakup

I rambled on, occasionally losing coherence. I can't recall the exact words I used, but they were likely similar to what I've written above. Evon shook her head and settled down next to me.

Evon: No, it's just me... this is not your fault. I just... can't put it behind me yet...

I nodded and took a seat as Evon began to share her story with me. She had been in a loving relationship with a guy for a while, and everything seemed perfect. However, after about two years, the spark between them started to fade. Despite Evon's desperate pleas for him to stay, he eventually blocked her number and cut off all contact. As Evon sobbed, she poured her heart out to me. Now, I can't help but feel guilty for having naughty thoughts about such a sweet girl like her.

At that moment, the door to Evelynn's room swung open. Evelynn emerged, stepping into the living room where she was met with the sight of her sister, tears streaming down her face. "...What's happening?" Evelynn inquired. My heart was pounding in my chest. The last thing I wanted was for the woman I adored to be confused or upset. Luckily, Evon found her voice and spoke up.

Evon: Oh, no. I'm alright. I was just telling him about my ex...

Evelynn, without saying another word, stepped forward to embrace her sister. "Zeh, it's okay. We're here to support you!" Evelynn comforted Evon in a soft tone. "Yeah... we'll always be a family, no matter what!" I chimed in, trying to lighten the atmosphere. The girls both chuckled at my effort and then settled down on the sofa.

"Zeh, I've told you before, right? If things get really bad, I'll make sure my future husband takes care of you too," Evelynn joked, playfully gripping her sister's hand. Evon laughed awkwardly and returned the hug.

"I love you guys," Evon said. "I really do."

My Girlfriend's Nubile SisterWhere stories live. Discover now