"What is this place?" I asked as the man led me through the town that had many people wandering around, some looked at the man with love.

"We are in the city of Heavenly Jerusalem" the man answered as a child excitedly walked up to him holding a wooden toy bird.

The man knelt down to the child and took the toy with a bright smile. "This for me Abby?" He spoke softly to the little girl and she nodded with a shy smile. A women who looked like the little girl, Abby, grabbed her and hoisted her on her hip.

"Sweetie you mustn't wander, this is a big place and you could get lost" the mother scolded gently before she turned to the man with a respectful bow.

"Sorry mama" Abby spoke as the man handed the toy back to the mother and the pair walked off to a house that was one story high.

The man sighed and turned back to me.

"Come, I must show you to your new home" he said and I followed after him as he began walking again.


As we weaved through the town we made it to a less populated area where a lovely one story house with tan highlights stood slightly wonky but still tall and proud.

"This is your new home Aubrey. I hope you find it just as lovely as you are" the man complemented with a pat on my shoulder and for an unknown reason I loved his touch as it felt fatherly.

"T-thank you?" I replied as he opened the door for me to enter though.

I quickly entered the house and saw stairs to my left as well as a tiny living room to my right. There was a kitchen down a short hallway infront of me with a back door leading to a grassy field.

I gasped. "It's wonderful" I whispered and heard the man laugh lightly.

"I'm so happy my dear, now I must go as you settle in. You can find me if you call" I turned around to see him smile at me before disappearing into thin air.

What the fuck?!

I jumped to the spot he was just standing in, shocked, but there was nothing there besides for the old wooden floor my bare feet pressed into.

"Damn" I whispered to myself as I spun around my place, admiring the house.

This is my home?

I have so many questions.

The man said he's busy though so I shouldn't disturb him...? Maybe I could ask someone else.

I didn't bother to check the rest of the house upstairs as I made my way out of it. I walked down the small stone path to make it to the middle of the town again.

I'd never bothered me that I was bare foot.

Who should I ask?

I turned around and saw the same women that bowed to the man. Her daughter was no where in sight.

I wandered up to the women, inspecting her as I approached her.

She wore a simple summer flower dress that went to her ankles and her skin was a mix between white and tan. She looked Jewish as her black hair castcased down her back beautifully.

"Excuse me?" I asked her and she turned from organizing some fruit in some baskets.

She smiled politely at me. "Hello? Are you lost?" She asked in concern as I shook my head with a small hesitant smile.

"No ma'am it's just..." I looked around for a moment. "I'm new?...I think, I'm very lost" I admit nervously and she frowned.

"Ah, yes. Come come" she waved me forward as she picked up a jacket of oranges. "Would you mind holding this?" She asked and I took the basket from her as she picked up a different basket full of lemons.

His Highness Of HellМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя