~ The Forbidden Dragonet: Chapter 5 ~

Start from the beginning

"He's right," Hvitur growled. "Some of us are in far more danger than you, but we don't hide in here like scared mice."

"I just don't want to risk anything," Webs murmured.

Hare heard a sinister hiss come from Hvitur. "If you keep whining and hiding in here like some kind of newborn dragonet, I'll kill you too."

Webs whimpered. "R-right, my apologies. I'll leave right away."

"Good," Hvitur rasped.

"We've already got the plan laid out." Hare could hear Dune tapping on something. "Once she arrives, we'll quickly explain it to her."

"And then get the job done," Hvitur finished.

They must have it written out or something. What else could Dune have been tapping on?

I have to see what it is. This is why I came here after all, isn't it? I just need to figure out how to get in and look without getting caught.

The thought seemed next to impossible. Hvitur and Dune would notice her in a heartbeat. Maybe she could come up with some kind of excuse to be in there, then sneak a look at the plan. Or she could risk it and try to be extra sneaky, the way she always had been.

I've never taken a risk this big before, though.

She heard Webs leave the cave and head toward the central cave where the exit sat.

"Come on," Hvitur said to Dune. "We'll report back to the others."

Hare held her breath as she heard the two dragons leave the cave as well, watching as their talons passed by right in front of her hole. Once they were gone, she let out a breath of relief.

Well this makes my job much easier.

Hare quickly pushed the rocks covering her hole aside and crawled out. She stretched her wings, relieved to finally be out of the cramped space. She turned and knocked aside the rocks again so they'd keep the small hole hidden.

With a final glance over her shoulder, Hare walked into Hvitur's sleeping cave. She gave her eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness, then began her search. There were scrolls scattered here and there along with stone tablets. Hare stumbled over a couple, nearly losing her balance.

He seriously needs to be neater.

It got darker as she traveled to the back of the cave. She hissed with annoyance when she accidentally bumped into the rocky wall. She felt around a little, growling when she found nothing. Slowly, Hare made her way back to the center of the cave. She stuck out her talons every now and then to feel around. She brushed her claws along the carvings in the stone tablets, but nothing felt like a murder plan.

As she kept moving, she felt her tail brush against something. Hare turned around and ran her talon along it.

An open scroll, The only open scroll I've come across. This must be it.

Hare crouched down in front of it, staring at it until her eyes were adjusted enough to get a proper view of what was on it.

What it was couldn't have been any clearer if they'd written "Plan To Murder Glory" in massive letters at the top. What was sitting in front of Hare was very clearly a well thought out plan.

This can't have all been done in the amount of time since Morrowseer left. It's way too well planned. Hvitur must've been thinking about this for a while.

The thought sent chills down to the ends of her spikes. What else had the cruel IceWing been planning in this dark cave? How many other scrolls in here contained sinister plans?

There was a big spear drawn in the corner of the scroll. The plan was written out in steps and contained a small map of how the assassination would be carried out. Hare's eyes skimmed through it until they fell on one, the one she was sure was happening right now.

One of the beginning steps was: Contact Glider.

Who could that possibly be?

Hare had never heard any mentions of anyone named Glider before. Hvitur had never once said their name.

As Hare continued reading, things began to make sense. The spear drawn in the corner of the scroll was the weapon that was going to be used to kill Glory. Glider, whoever that was, would be providing this weapon. They were to bring it with them when Webs brought them back to the mountain. Multiple parts were crossed out and some were even rewritten.

Hvitur must've planned for her death to be much more slow and painful originally, but now he doesn't have time for that.

The modified version of his plan was to stab the spear through Glory's chest while she slept. That seemed to be the quickest way to kill her.

Hvitur must've decided that because he knows we'll fight back. Maybe that's why he's getting so many other dragons involved, too. He knows he's no match for all of us alone.

Hare's heart sank as she continued reading. Not only were they planning to kill Glory, they were also planning to chain up Tsunami so she couldn't intervene.

"SeaWing is far too strong to be left unleashed. Request Glider brings chains as well, they'll be needed if this plan is to work" was what was written on the scroll.

Hare dug her claws into the ground to steady herself. She couldn't ever recall feeling this dizzy.

How many of us are they going to hurt in order to kill Glory?

Hare shook her head. None of us. Nobody will get hurt, and we'll make sure of it. I'll make sure of it. We'll come up with a plan before time runs out.

"It's not very polite to snoop through someone else's things."

Hare sat up and whirled around at the sound of the voice. She grew stiff with terror as she saw the source of it. It was Hvitur.

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