Chapter Ⅲ ❝Class❞

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⤜Dream's POV⤛

I found my class and I'm just on my phone, listening to the teacher, when I hear a knock at the classroom door. I look up to see the teacher say something along the lines of "I'll be back" or something. I look over to my friend, Punz, who was also on his phone.

"What Mr.Minecraft say?" I ask pointing at the door he had just exited. "Not sure but he said he was going out real quick." TapL said as he  shrugged. "Hm." I hum as I look back down at my phone. "You..seem out of it today..? You good bro?" TapL asks, I look at him confused "What do you mean? Do I look tired or something?" I chuckle quietly "Nah.. well kinda. I'm not sure you just seem different today." He looks at me, squinting as he does. "Well I guess..I did have an encounter with someone. And fell off 2 flights of stairs and got a massive headache.." I say as I look down and mumble that last bit quieter. "Oh? Who was it? One of your ops or something?" He says putting his phone down, guess he didn't hear that last part haha "I guess you could say that. It was uh.. It was-" I get cut off as Mr.Minecraft comes back in but with someone behind him. "Alright class -ahem- I uhh.." I see the kid next to him say something but I couldn't hear him. "Well uh. Uh.. This is a.. An exchange stu-" the kid behind him steps up and speaks over him. "My apologies. My name is Alexander. I am a student who has always been home schooled, Mr.Minecraft here didn't want to scare me so what he was trying to say is that I'm a student who has changed their mind on staying home and studying to work on socialization and learning with others. Thank you Mr.Minecraft." He says as he walks up the flight of stairs and sits a row beside me. "Weird kid huh?" TapL says scaring me because of how close he was to my ear "Christ! You need to stop doing that shit. You're always scaring me or any of our friends with doing that! Why do you even do that!?" I say rubbing my ear. "Dunno it's funny seeing y'all's reaction haha!" He chuckles a bit before turning back to the teacher.
WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS GUYS PROBLEM?! I've been trying to pay attention to the teacher, but I can FEEL that new guy STARING. Ughhh it's genuinely starting to creep me out! Does he wanna fight or something? Whats his deal?! Thing is, every time I turn to look to see if he's staring, HES NOT! Am I going insane???

"You good?" TapL asks, startling me back to reality. "No! That kid next to us is constantly STARING AT ME!" I whisper loudly. "I can see that, dude has a staring problem or something I see him just looking over here. Kinda weird to be honest. Is he an op of yours?" He tilts his head a bit asking that "No! Well not that I know of! The dude just started school I haven't done shit to him!" I say covering the side my face from the guy "Haha! Then you have nothing to worry about! He probably thinks you're cute or something. Who knows maybe he just wants to be your friend..!" I glare at him and then just look down at the 'All About Me' paper we're working on today. Maybe he's right maybe he just wants to be friends or something.. ughh... He's so weird for not saying anything and just staring though..

The rest of this class was a PAIN. All we did was go over the rubric, expectations, and making our 'All About Me' thingy. I was still trying to focus as much as I could but this kid is just- WEIRD.

⤜Techno's POV⤛

So this was an odd predicament I'm currently in. I have my first class with my teacher friend but I'm in a class with a kid I'm supposed rivals with. Unfortunately I'm wearing a disguise so he doesn't know it's me. He seems to try and not look in my direction. Which is odd cause I thought he'd be more talkative. Maybe he's changed? Nah, this is Dream we're talking about, he's always going to be himself. I keep looking over at him because he does look to have changed a lot from a few years back, he looks more..mature? I can't really tell with that dumb mask covering half his face. But his eyes sure look to be more wiser..? They're not as big and as doe like. He looks weird in a uniform, and of course he doesn't fix his hair so he looks a mess.

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