Code Triplet

84 5 21

Monday, an alarm sounds at 5:00am.

Groggily, Chris gently tapped the 'off' button on his alarm, quietly staring up at the unfamiliar ceiling above him. Eddie and him had been in their new house for about two weeks getting settled. By 'getting settled', we mean, Chris having to unpack and put everything away, as well as clean and rearrange furniture to Eddie's liking. On top of Chris getting slapped the night before, for dropping a plate too loudly. Needless to say, Chris was very tired, and very irritable. You could say that he was close to a mini breakdown.
But nonetheless, today was his first day of school. So with a sigh, Chris quietly slid off of his bed and walked over to the outfit he had picked out the night prior. He smiled sleepily at it, as it was mismatched, and looked a little silly. Knowing that he picked it out while he was crying, he should've seen it coming. He rolls his eyes and chooses a different outfit, going with baggy camouflage pants and a long sleeved black shirt. Equipped with a black, zip up jacket as it was a bit chilly outside.

Chris's new room was pretty small, he had his bed, his dresser and his desk. He didn't have much room to move around, though it made him feel a little safer.
Knowing that Eddie was a very light sleeper, and a very violent non-morning person, the boy attempted to be as quiet as possible when going to the restroom to take a shower. After he was done, he brushed his teeth and looked at the time, which read 6:37. This meant that Chris had to hustle, but there was one thing he was dreading. Waking up Eddie.
The bus didn't come around into their neighborhood, since there were no other kids that lived here. That would change of course, but for now, Eddie had to drive Chris.
So when Chris was done with his new routine, he began to walk towards his fathers room. Feeling his pulse rise, he gulped down the anxiety that began to fill his body. He reaches the door and lifts his hand to knock, only to, almost, scream when Eddie's voice sounds through the hall.
"Christopher!" He says simply, watching his son jump at least a foot in the air. Chris whips around, "Oh!-- gosh.." he gasps, hand now resting on his heart. Chris's heart now hammered in his chest. Eddie breathed a small chuckle out of his nose and rolled his eyes. "Don't be a pussy, we gotta go, come on" Eddie stated, jingling a pair of car keys in his hand. Chris blinked a few times before nodding, "okay-- yes sir, can I get my bag?" He asks, his voice small, and quiet. Quite possibly scared. "Christopher.. don't ask dumbass questions" Eddie snapped.
Chris nodded briskly before rushing to his room to grab his phone and backpack. As he exited his room, his father looked at him with an eyebrow raised, "What d'you think you're doing?.." he asked. Chris stared at him, confused. He furrowed his brows, then realized that he had grabbed his phone out of instinct. "Oh, I'm sorry--" he mumbled, handing the device to his father, who took it and moved out of Chris's way. "Go to the car, I'll be there in a second" Eddie mumbled to Chris. "Yes sir" the boy responded, walking out of his house, into the cold. With a shaky exhale, Chris shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and quickly walked to his dad's car. A black SUV.

On their way to Chris's new school, Eddie kept glancing over at Chris and chuckling. Chris felt his face heat up, did he look bad?..
The boy looked over at his dad with slightly furrowed eyebrows, contemplating whether or not asking Eddie what he was laughing at was the right choice. He decided that it was not a good choice. Though, his question was answered when the two finally pulled up to the school, Eddie finally spoke up. "You look ridiculous by the way. Next time choose an outfit with less.. sag. Y'look like shit" he stated. Chris nodded a little, "yes sir.." he mumbled, knowing that if he didn't agree, he'd never hear -or feel- the end of it. Chris quickly crawled out of the car, "um.. bye dad, I love you.." Chris said, immediately regretting his choice of words. Why'd he say that. Eddie simply looked at him and laughed, a hearty laugh that you'd only get when someone told a joke at dinner. Not at your son who just told you he love's you. "Close my door, Christopher" Eddie chuckled, shaking his head. Chris's grip on the door tightened, as did his jaw. With a nod, Chris almost slammed the door. But he knew better.  So he closed it and walked, quickly, into the giant school, hiding the tears in his eyes as he raced through the halls in an attempt to find the front office. He felt everybody and their mother's eyes on him, couldn't they look anywhere else?
Chris thought, attempting to dodge the complete strangers trying to either pass him, or talk to him.
As Chris struggled to get through the crowd, he began to hear his heartbeat in his ears. Panic attack. Chris inhaled sharply, why now? He thought. Just then, he heard a bell, a loud bell. It shot through Chris's skull like a bullet, and if he thought the crowd was bad then? He hadn't seen anything yet.

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