the state of the streets - chapter two

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A/N: the triplets + jake and johnnie time !!

i'm shocked I got this done as fast as I did, but here you go !! this chapter is a little shorter than the first at 3.3k words. there's no warnings for this one beyond talk of violence + bodies on the street but nothing in detail.

also, i've never written jake and johnnie before this ever, so please be understanding if it's a little inaccurate or anything! i'm trying my best and just having fun, honestly.

have fun


"This just had to happen when we're away from our nice, big house full of everything we could possibly need." The black-haired man groaned, leaning against the wall of the alley they were tucked in to take a breath. "We never fucking leave our house and the one time we do, the world ends!" he continued dramatically, causing his companion to roll his eyes. 

"I don't think that's the conclusion we should draw from this." The taller one replied, "I think we should find somewhere to hide for the night." 

"Where the fuck are we? There has to be someone we know somewhere around here, right?" he questioned, leaning forward to see out of the alley way. It was getting increasingly dark outside and they had no idea what that meant in terms of the creatures that had been chasing them through the streets. 

"No where close enough that we could get there without risking dying." The other answered. He was dressed in a shirt with the sleeves cut off, leaving most of his tattoos visible, unlike his friend, who still sported his signature heavy-looking and pin-covered leather jacket even after running for what could've been hours. 

They had been recording a shopping video when it happened, and the creatures in the parking lot ran them away from the car and in a direction no where near their house. Johnnie dropped the camera at some point, but it seemed so incredibly insignificant in the grand scheme of everything going on. 

"Are we not risking dying by being out here?" Johnnie questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"Good point. Let's move. I think there's like, a thrift shop around here or something." Jake reached out for his hand, pulling him up and off the wall and out of the alley. At least they were moving in the opposite direction of the closest source of screams. 

They seemed to be coming from every direction on some level, though, and that was terrifying. 


"I'm fucking starving, man." Jake was the one complaining the next morning, "I've been through this whole building and there's nothing to eat besides a pack of gum that looks suspiciously old." 

He threw the blue-green package down on the ground in front of where his friend was sat, positioned with his legs pulled up to his chest and his arms wrapped around them. They had spent the night in the overpriced thrift store in question, making a bed of pillows and blankets they could find in the corner. 

It wasn't the best arrangement in the world, but the door locked and they were relatively safe, so it was pretty worth it. 

It was weird, though. All of the shops lining that street seemed eerily empty, the employees leaving nothing but shadows of their presence; purses dropped on the floor, clothes knocked to the ground, bloody finger prints left on clothing racks and shelves. Whatever had happened there had migrated out to the streets, it seemed. 

"There's still chaos happening out there." Johnnie pointed out, "We can't just leave." 

"We'll die from not eating too, y'know." Jake replied, "There's restaurants and shit on this street, I think. We can just come back after we grab food." 

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