Chapter Five - Memories Of The Way We Were

Start from the beginning

"Hufflepuff's?" Theo asked shocked. "And I always thought they were meant to be friends at all?"

"They usually were," Luna agreed. "Just not to me. I was kind of an oddball. There was a reason they called be Loony Lovegood." Hermione blushed knowing full well that she herself using to call Luna, Loony. Something she felt very bad about and had apologised to her for on more than one occasion.

"You were called Loony?" Pansy asked smirking. "I didn't know that."

"That is because she was my cousin and I wouldn't have allowed you to," Draco said. "And if I ever find the Hufflepuff's who did that to you, I will stick that badger right up their -"

"OK, time for you to have another drink," Theo interrupted pushing Draco's Firewhiskey back up to his mouth and making everyone chuckle.

The group laughed and reminisced the whole way to Hogwarts sharing stories about their time at school and the things they got up to. Everyone knew the story about Voldemort and the fight, the Trio had every year right up until the end of the battle. But it always fascinated Hermione to hear stories of other people's times at school. Those who weren't caught up in all the drama and got to be teenagers.

"Hang on," Blaise burst out laughing. "How did I not knot that you broke his nose?" Blaise was staring at Hermione wide-eyed, while pointing to Draco.

"It was fucking glorious!" Theo said. "Mia you absolutely made my year that day. I have never been more proud of you."

"It wasn't funny," Draco scoffed but smiled. "I had to get Madame Pomfrey to reset my nose." he turned to his wife. "And you called me a cockroach."

"I think what she said was 'You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach' actually," Theo reinacted the scene. "And then, bam! Draco the bitch went down faster than a hooker in a whore house!"

Blaise sighed and wiped away a tear. "I wish I had been there to see it."

Hermione leaned over to him muttering. "I will share my memory with you," and he beamed at her.

"Oh Mia what about the time you hexed Cormac McLaggen in sixth year. Now that was fantastic!" Luna clapped.

Draco's head spun around. "What did you do?" he smirked.

Hermione bit her lip. "Thank you, Luna!" She sighed. "In sixth year Cormac had...well he told me he liked me. So much so that he decided it would be a good idea to lock the pair of us in the Quidditch supply shed during the Hufflepuff vs Slytherin match and try to em...persuade me to sleep with him." Draco tensed up. "Don't worry he didn't get the chance to. He dropped his trousers as I produced my wand and I...em...hexed him so he couldn't sit for a few weeks."

"OMG that was you?" Daphne gasped. "You are a legend Hermione!"

"Why? What did she do?" Leo asked.

"I was in the hospital wing when he arrived. I hurt my hand in DADA class." Hermione shielded her eyes leaning into Draco's chest. "She literally shoved his balls up his own ass!" The coach erupted into roars of laughter.

"I heard about that, but I thought it was a rumour," Blaise said in between gasps of air.

"Well he will think twice before he does it to another girl," Hermione nodded in determination trying to justify her actions.

"I think you helped him Mia," Pansy chuckled. "From what I hear he now has a boyfriend."

"So he liked having something shoved up his ass?" Theo laughed. "You helped him out of the closest. Good for you Mia."

"Oh do you remember the time, the Giant Squid dragged that boy under the water," Daphne asked excitedly. "And they floated past the dorm window and Draco fainted?"

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