Chapter 6

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Colby was in costume as he stood in the middle of the stage. It felt like just yesterday he stepped onto this stage for the first time as Bon Jovi and now, he was doing his final performance. The doors to the cast's final performance opened in an hour and Colby never thought he would say this, but he was gonna miss this. Every crazy part of it. Sam soon joined him on stage and he brought him in close. Sam rested his head on Colby's shoulder.

" I'm so proud of you," said Sam. " You guys have all created something amazing."

" I couldn't have done it without you," said Colby. " I never would have even considered this if it wasn't for you. You were by my side through all of it. Thank you."

" I love you," said Sam.

" Forever and always," said Colby.

Kevin had made a speech backstage before their last performance, thanking the whole cast and crew. Everyone clapped and then got into position. Sam had got the text earlier that Nate, Corey, Jake and Selena were all in town for the show as well. Colby's heart was racing, he wanted his last performance to be perfect, he wanted to leave behind a legacy.

The first act of the final show couldn't have gone better. Colby, however, was very nervous for Act 2 because he had something special planned specifically for their last show. He smiled and was excited to get through Act 2, not because he wanted it to end, but because he got to perform his favorite song from the show one last time.

Song 10: Colby

This is the performance of a penultimate song in Colby's final show as Bon Jovi.

Colby stands in the middle of the stage, alone, singing his heart out. He pictures all of the moments he shared with Sam, from the moment they met, the good times, the bad, the ups and downs, everything. No matter what, they prevailed. He glances down at Sam as he continues. He loves him so much, and is forever grateful for him. He wanted to make sure Sam knew that too.

Towards the end of the song, Colby makes his way off stage down the stairs into the audience as he continues to sing the final verses. Sam was confused because Colby had never done this for any of the other shows. He walks over to Sam as he keeps singing and brings him up on stage.

What Sam didn't know is that Colby had been given permission to change things a little for this song as a surprise to Sam. He brings Sam to center stage and pulls him in close. He rests his forehead against Sam's and caresses his face as he continues to sing, looking him deep in the eyes. On the very last down in the song, Colby gets down on one knee pulling out a ring as he finishes singing.

Sam is in utter disbelief and the people in the crowd are cheering as Colby kneels in front of Sam.

" Sam Golbach, I want you to be mine forever," said Colby. " Will you marry me?"

" Yes, yes!" said Sam.

Colby placed the ring on Sam's finger and then stood up to kiss him. The audience members clapped and cheered and Sam waited backstage for Colby to close out the show. He was able to finish the last couple of scenes before the grand finale of the show.

The lights went down for only a moment as the background scene changed. Colby and the rest of the cast got into position. Then lights came up seconds later for the final song of the show, the one that everyone had been waiting for.

Song 11: Colby. This is the final song of Colby's final performance as Bon Jovi.

During this song, Colby thinks about what he has endured the past few months. Before he didn't know how he would live without music, but now he realizes he has everything he needs. Even if music wasn't in his future, Sam would be and that's all he needed. Life can pass you by quickly, everything can change just like that. Colby understood this now. It was never about the music. It was love that kept them going. As the final chorus comes in, confetti blasts from the stage and the rest of the cast joins Colby as he slides on his knees towards the front of the stage as they finish their final performance. The crowd gave them a standing ovation.

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