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- i'm yours, isabel larosa


The light through my curtains shined on my face. My alarm clock started ringing, indicating it was 6 am. I groaned because I wanted to stay in my bed longer, but then I remembered. It was the first day of my new school.

I was very excited so I quickly ran into the bathroom to shower. I looked at the mirror practicing my smile for school so I present myself as nice as I can. I brushed my teeth and my long, brown hair. I put on a blue dress and white heels. It was early in the morning, but I was so excited to start school, I had too much energy. I applied some makeup, mascara and some lipstick to look clean and pretty.

I got ready so I got downstairs in the kitchen. Since my parents were on a trip, again, so I was home alone. I had to make myself breakfast because I was stareving since I didn't eat anything for dinner yesterday.

After I had eaten, I got my bag, my house keys and I left the house. I found my bike to ride to school since no one could drive me there. The bike was my birthday present my uncle bought me for this years birthday.

The ride to school was peaceful. I inhaled some fresh air to wake up a little. Since this is the first year that Voltaire high school started letting girls in, I didnt know how many girls were going to be there. I started panicking a little hoping some girls would show up.

When I got to school I saw a lot of boys, but no girls. I placed my bike in front of the school, I fixed my dress and entered the school gates. 

There were a lot of boys chatting and when I got in, everyone stopped talking. Everyone was looking at me and I heard a few whisles here and there. There I saw a boy with brown hair and glasses, his friends around him looking at me. I smiled and he smirked. Some guys around me also made inappropriate signs. 

I brushed it off and I got to the board which said what class I was in. Beside were already two girls talking. One was blond and had long hair placed into a pigtails and the other was brunette with short hair. The girl with brown hair noticed me and smiled.

"Hi! Are you in our class?" she asked. I looked back at the board to read which teacher I had.

"I..have mrs. Giraud." I looked back at them.

"Great! We are in her class too." she excitedly responded. I smiled at them and they did the same.

"Oh! We didn't introduce ourselves! I'm Simone Palladino." the girl with short, brown hair said.

"I'm Michele Magnan. And whats your name?" the blonde one said.

"I'm Juliette Favre." I responded. I got a feeling they weren't trouble and that I would stick with them. 

At one point, a guy came up to the board and searched for his name. When he found it, his face went pale.

"Oh man! This year I'm in bluebeards class!" he said disappointed. I looked at him with a confused look.

"Who is bluebeard?" I asked at him and he looked at me, his face still pale from the shock.

"Mrs. Giraud... Everyone hates her. She's strict and rude for no reason. Just my luck..." 

"Did you say you are in mrs. Giraud's class? We are also in her class." I send worried looks to the girls.

"I hope she will be nicer to you. Anyway, I'm Henri Pichon, but everyone calls me just Pichon." he said that as he gave his hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Pichon. I'm Juliette Favre." I said that and shaked his hand. He looked at his hand like it had been touched by a God. 'Guys are weird' I thought to myself.

Simone and Michele behind me looked at him and Simone stepped next to me. "I'm Simone Palladino, nice to meet you" she smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I'm Michele Magnan. Also, nice to meet you." Michele said. I looked at her and she looked at me, worried a little because Pichon a few minutes ago announced that our teacher is strict and rude.

I was going to say something but then I noticed that the guys once again stopped talking and everybody turned around. I saw that everyone looked at the gates and I also turned around. There walked in a beautiful girl. She had long, blonde, straight hair. She was wearing blue dress that looked great, making my dress look cheap. 

All the guys stared at her in awe like she was a goddess. She made her way to us to look at the board. Once she found her name, she looked at us. She didn't smile. Then she went away and we didn't saw where. I looked back at the board to find the name she was looking for. Annick Sabiani. She was beautiful and she had a pretty name. She was lucky.

"She's very pretty. I could never be like her, guys staring amazed, confident. I'm going to kill myself if she's going to have good grades." Simone said disappointed at herself while I nodded because I agreed. Life is just not fair.

Everyone gathered at the front of the school entrance. There stood a guy that looked around, nervously. 

"I-I'm Paul B-Bellanger and I'm t-the dean of this school, for those of you who d-don't know." he said panicking a little causing him to stutter a bit. A few guys snickered. He cleared his throat and continued.

"I welcome you all to a great, new school year. I hope this year will be better than the last. This year we are going to change a bit and welcome the girls in our school. We, the teachers and other staff, decided to bring the girls here." he said this more confidently, and some people chuckled.

I looked around and saw a boy with blonde hair and glasses. He was very tall, which I liked. He was wearing a green shirt and his bag was in his hand. He felt that I looked at him and he glanced in my direction. I noticed that he looked at me and I turned forward, not wanting to make eye contact. 

"Gentlemen, please welcome the girls. I don't want you to make any trouble. I hope you all agree to having girls come in our school. Have a good school year. Thank you. Teachers, please collect your students." he finally finished and a old woman stepped in front. She looked at us all with a strict face.

"I will now read the students in my class. When I call your name, you step forward. Do you understand?" she said and we nodded. 

"Applebaum, Daniel!" she announced and the guy i was staring at earlier came up. Daniel Applebaum, that's his name. It's cute I guess.


That's the end of the first chapter and I'm soooo happy I finally finished it. Like, there aren't any Daniel Applebaum fanfics so I thought I should write one. And I hope you like it!🫶

I will try to update as much as I possibly can. I will update almost every day so expect one chapters per day, approximately (I can't keep promises so sometimes it will take longer, I'm sorry😭🙏)

Also, if you notice some spelling mistakes or something please let me know because English is not my first language sooo...

Thank you all for reading!💕

𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘨𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴, 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙚𝙡 𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙗𝙖𝙪𝙢Where stories live. Discover now