Advance and Respite

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"Tell me, Fritz, why should I let you experiment on me? What need for more power should I have when I'm already the strongest in Hizuru?"

There is a beat, silence.

"Think of it this way. You could finally outshine your brother. You would have irresistible power and you could do whatever you wanted with it." She sat there, her eyes obscured by her lilac locks. "I know you. I know you tire of the way things are. I promise in the future, if you let me use you to create a unique race for Hizuru, you'll find out about love through your descendants."

A mirthless chuckle rang through the isolated meeting room.

"Fine, you have a deal, Devil."

— — — — —

That wasn't like the usual inherited memories he usually received. Most were about his grandfather, living a peaceful life somewhere in Wall Sina, with no worries about life. 'That name. Fritz. How far back did my wheel go to show me such an old memory.' Siegfried wanted to continue his thoughts but then it occurred to him. Everyone else! Opening his eyes, he immediately came face to face with Florion's deep blue eyes. Some of her blonde locks were in his sight too and somehow, that managed to amplify her beauty in his eyes.

"Ah, good morning, Florian." God, he was only ten years old and he knew for a fact that he'd destroy the world, if it meant Florian would be safe. 'I don't know if it's love, but I care deeply for her.' He often contemplated it. Ah, he could hear Miss Reiss and the others.

"It's night, Siegfried." Oh. Oh. Right, Ulklin was dead now. Frieda had died, and what did he have to show for it? Weakness. His training had only been for people, Nile had told him that training to fight titans was useless for him since he was just a private guard for a noble family.

Breaking eye contact with Florian, the young boy looked at the seats across from them. Dirk and Abel were leaning on each other sleeping. Miss Reiss must be the one talking, to whom Siegfried did not know. 'Probably a servant.' Speaking of servants. How was Siegfried going to break it to Nadja that she'd never be able to see Ulkline again. He couldn't lie to her, it would hurt.

Redirecting his gaze to Florian, he could tell that this had been rough on her as well. She had witnessed two more family members die, in a traumatizing way. He doubted Dirk and Abel would be faring any better. "Florian." Perking up at the use of her name, she gave a questioning look to the boy. "I'm going to accept Nile's offer. The one I told you about."

She seemed confused. That confusion then became apprehension. "Are you sure?" While Florian didn't personally know Nile like Siegfried did, due to family connections, she knew that involvement with the military was something he often tried to avoid. "You'll be putting yourself in a precarious position." Florian frowned when the boy looked away. Despite being ten, both of them were forced to mature due to the pressures placed unto them by their duty to their families. Siegfried with his obligation as a royal guard. Florian with her loyalty to upholding the first king's will with her eldest sister. Her pressure wasn't as bad as her older siblings, Dirk and Abel, but it was almost as bad. "I want you to know that you can rely on me." Flashes of memories came to her. Fifteen dead men sprawled on the ground, a bloody young boy standing over them. She had been there that day with her family to see if they could find even one survivor. "I care deeply about you." 'I love you!' She could only hope he understood. He and her family were all she had left now. Her father had fled before even trying to save anyone.

Both their faces were red. They didn't often have heart to heart conversations, but when they did, they were very emotional. "I'm quite certain. I need to do this." He would join the military, Nile had promised him an elite spot in the Military Police if he went through the training required. Thankfully he wouldn't have to wait to join, he could just join the 102nd Cadet Corps. Having special privileges was a boon he couldn't afford to let waste when that outsider, Grisha, was still at large. He would also use the military to get closer to Rod Reiss. Anger surged into his entire body, his blood began to boil just thinking about that coward who hadn't even stayed or tried to save his children at the very least. Once he was close enough, once he met Rod Reiss again. Nothing would stop him.

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