"mama i missed u so much!"

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Lexie Grey and April Kepner were a couple deeply in love, dedicated parents to their beautiful daughter, Maisie. Maisie was now in first grade, an energetic and jubilant little girl full of life and curiosity. As the sun rose, Lexie and April would wake up with excitement, ready to embark on a new day of adventure with their beloved daughter.

One morning, as they prepared for school, Maisie appeared a little downcast as she mentioned not feeling well the previous day. However, she did not say anything about feeling unwell that morning, so Lexie and April assumed she was just having a typical childhood moment. With a gentle kiss on Maisie's forehead before they dropped her off at her elementary school, Lexie and April went about their respective workdays, unknowing of the events that would soon unfold.


As the noon hour approached, April received an urgent call from the school nurse

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As the noon hour approached, April received an urgent call from the school nurse. She was informed that Maisie had thrown up and was feeling very unwell. Immediately, April paged Lexie to inform her of the situation and express her intent to pick Maisie up from school. April's heart raced with worry and concern for her little girl.

When April arrived at the school, Maisie's eyes lit up with joy and relief upon seeing her mother. She ran into April's arms, exclaiming, "Mama, I missed you so much!" April hugged her tightly, promising to make her feel better. As they arrived home, April guided Maisie to the living room, where they snuggled up together on the couch. Maisie chose their favorite movie, Tangled, as they wrapped themselves in cozy blankets.

Maisie's eyelids grew heavy as the soothing sound of Rapunzel's voice serenaded them. Soon, she drifted off into a peaceful sleep, nestled comfortably against her mother's side. April stared lovingly at her daughter, feeling a mix of worry and tenderness. She brushed Maisie's hair off her forehead and gently planted a kiss on her forehead before deciding to let her sleep a little longer.

Hours passed by, and as the golden afternoon sun began its descent, Lexie finally arrived home from work. With exhaustion lining her features, she walked into the living room to find April and Maisie sound asleep, cocooned in warmth and tranquility. A tender smile tugged at the corners of Lexie's lips as she admired the bond between mother and daughter.

Quietly, Lexie scooped Maisie up into her arms, being careful not to wake her. She carried her gently to her bedroom, tucking her in and placing a loving kiss on her cheek. As she brushed the hair away from Maisie's face, Lexie couldn't help but marvel at the innocence and vulnerability of her daughter.

Maisie's room:

Returning to the living room, Lexie woke April gently, guiding her back to their bedroom

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Returning to the living room, Lexie woke April gently, guiding her back to their bedroom. April, still in a dream-like state, curled up under the covers, finding solace in the warmth of their shared bed. Lexie lay down beside her, wrapping her arm protectively around April's waist, their hearts beating in synchrony.

Together they drifted into a peaceful slumber, their minds filled with dreams of a bright future for their family. In the midst of the challenges and uncertainties that life often brought upon them, Lexie, April, and Maisie found strength and solace in their love for one another.

As the stars twinkled outside their window, a sense of contentment enveloped their home. Their hearts brimmed with gratitude for the miracle of Maisie, who brought light and joy to their lives every day. In this moment, Lexie and April knew that no matter what obstacles they faced, their bond as a family would always guide them towards a brighter tomorrow.

With the rhythm of their breaths intertwining, Lexie and April slept soundly, their dreams intermingling with those of Maisie's, a testament to the unconditional love that flowed through their veins. It was in these moments of deep rest and comfort that they found solace in the beauty and resilience of their family - a family bound by love, hope, and infinite possibilities.

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