James parentless?

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James had just won Disventure Camp, he was loaded with money. His influencer and model career had taken off more than they already had, he was beyond popular now. But he didn't care about either of those things, he had money and popularity when he started Disventure, but now that it had ended he had found something even better.

Aiden. He couldn't believe that it was possible to fall in-love on reality TV, but he had experienced it, and he couldn't have been happier. He had thought of Aiden as easy money when he had first met him, his fans loved Aiden, and his team did too. He regretted that day so much, and every now and then the guilt crept in. But Aiden had forgiven him, he just struggled with forgiving himself.

To make everything up to Aiden, he wanted to travel the world with him, taking his boyfriends to see all the touristy spots and even the not-very-well-known places that were still breath-taking. He loved to see his boyfriends face light up, his smile was worth more than the money James had in his bank account.

They had just gotten on a plane, ready to head to yet another country to visit the sights. This time, they were headed to Brazil, James' home country. Aiden had asked about meeting James' parents, but each time his questions were shot down and the conversation was changed. This confused Aiden, James had never spoken about his parents or how his life had been back home, he never seemed to call them and Aiden never saw their numbers on his phone. He never brought it up, but Aiden was always curious.

Aiden had a really good relationship with his mom, his dad... well his dad wasn't ever in the picture. He had told James about it, so he was confused as to why James wouldn't tell him about his. It worried him a little bit, were James' parents not good people? Or did James think Aiden wasn't good enough to meet his parents? Either way, he had told James that he could open up to him at any time, Aiden made sure that James would never feel judged or invalidated in his presence, so was Aiden just not enough?

Their flight was long, travelling from Europe down to South America was exhausting. Aidens head rested on James' shoulder as they sat in first class, James had insisted, saying that Aiden deserved a comfortable flight instead of one filled with crying babies and snoring passengers. They watched shitty rom-coms together, a fun type of bad.

They would be landing in James' hometown, and James had insisted that there was nothing to look at there and that they should get to the next city as soon as possible, but Aiden had persisted and James had caved in. The hotel they had booked wasn't as expensive as some of the other ones they had been too, it was nice and had a high rating however.

Aiden was excited to land. For one, he was excited to see James' hometown and the scenery there, and second, he was hoping to finally meet James' parents or at least find out about them more. Every time he looked up at James he could see him staring off, he was a lot more nervous than he usually was, and that meant a lot. James was confident, he was a model for crying out loud, he was the embodiment of confidence, he had fans drooling for him all over the world. So what about James' parents made him so nervous, so... not James?

James and AidenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz