Plants vs zombies

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Zoe and kira (who are best friends) picked up the controllers and went into the game plants vs zombies. 

"Hey zoe guess what?" Kira whispered.

"What is it!!!!!" Zoe shouted. Kira kills Zoe in the game as a plant.

Zoe screeches,"that!" Zoe laughs and laughs and laughs and laughs. Kira throws her controller at the wall and it brakes into millions of pieces and she also puts a hole in the wall.

Kira mouth drops as she looks in the wall to see a world like plants vs zombies but in real life! 

They both ask,"what the hell is this!! It's amazing!" They both make the hole bigger so they can climb though it. They jump throw the hole like drivers going into a swimming pool but end up splatting straight into the rock hard ground. They end up trying to hide from the plants AND the zombies so they don't gwt splattered or eaten alive!!

Later that evening when nobody is up to be able to play the game they start to check out the design of the zombies. They feel the skin, the clumps of hair and they feel the belly buttons of them!! Suddenly, a heap of zombies wake up and head to Zoe and kira!

Kira asks in fear,"what's happening! Who's awake at this time!"

Zoe answers scared,"well the other people around the world and people who are dare Devils!!" They start getting surrounded with nothing to do will they be eaten alive or get away feeling joyful? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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