my honsty poem

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I came into this world crying and screaming

I feel like that's how I'll go as well

It's hard to see past the fog somedays

Even with fog lights on I still can't see the love people try to show

I know it is 2 pm but I want to go back to bed

The sheats are mocking me like a mocking jay

I want approval but I can't get it from the one person

I want it from so I'll look in other places

No matter how dangerus it is

I still hear the mocking every once in a while

It plays in my here like a broken record

I wish it would stop but it doesn't

Life is a movie that I'm a background character in

I shine sometimes but most of the time I dont

The sun is shining and I'm still in bed

The only reason I can see the light is him

He´s like the sun shining on a cold winter morning

He´s the warmth and comforter I need

Heś likes the chilly my grandma makes

It's comforting and there when you need it

He´s always there and as beautiful as the night sky

He´s golden like the necklaces he wears around his neck

He´s a bright light in a dark long tunnel

Unlike him, I´m the dark tunnel 

I´m afraid that one day my darkness will crush him

Maybe one day he´ll see the me that I see

Maybe one day he´ll leave

Or maybe even maybe he´ll stay

I doubt that though

No one has stayed

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 12 ⏰

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my honesty poem Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora