Patience and understanding

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I kissed her back,it wasn't that long of a kiss. In fact I counted, 1...2...3 second's. To be honest that was a long 3 seconds.

She pulled back gazed into my eyes, I hadn't noticed my hand was resting on her face. Then I heard him, God.

Patience and understanding.

I shrugged it off, she got shy and looked away taking a grape and ate one. This was it,the moment I finally was ready for. Dang,but wait. She had a kid?

"What Malachi ?" She looks at me confused,I didn't know I was still looking at her.

"Aaliyah I gotta tell you something." I cross my legs and face her, she does the same.

"Shoot." She responds.

" I..uh-" I pause at the fact I couldn't bring myself to say it,that I wanted was pressing me.

"Well I was uh-" I frowned at myself looking down.

She took my hands and gave me a reassuring smile.
"Talk to me."

I just look at her and take a deep breath "I just have to say this before I get to the part I originally wanted to get to."

She nods and stares "so?"

"Do you have a kid?" I blurted out,I should not have started that way. Why did I start that way. She was looking at me with a sad expression, like I betrayed her. She pulls back away from me ,looking away she hesitated to speak. Her lips parted and then came back together.

"No." She says plainly ,she quickly looks over at me "so you knew this whole time?" She lifts a brow.

I frown "I still don't know anything, but  I keep getting told something just to be left on a cliff hanger.

She scoffed at me "who told you? My dad?" She was now fierce.

"What ? No!" I try to explain.

"Who told you Malachi?! What did they say?!" She was now standing and I stood with her.
"Look I was at the store okay?! And I saw Ed and Andrew-"I try to explain further,but she cut me off.

"What are you doing even talking to them?" She was now close to me.

I look up then back at her " oh ..gosh Aaliyah I wasn't talking TO them! They were talking to ME!" I stare her in her eyes.

"What did they say." She spoke calmly

" you and Andrew used to be a thing." I tilt my head at her .

"OF COURSE HE SAID THAT WHAT ELSE?!" She was now talking to me like I was stupid and ion like that.

I laughed to myself a bit "you better cool your tone, okay? First off he told me that y'all got a kid together." I step back now getting more angry " what aren't you telling me Aaliyah." I look away from her,I couldn't look at her right now. She could tell I didn't want to.

"Malachi,I don't have a kid but-" she started to cry.

"You gave your body to him?" I said calmly and all of a sudden hell broke loose. She got all in my face and I thought I was never gonna hear the end of it.

"GAVE?!?!? YOU SAY THAT LIKE I WAS WILLING!" I hit a nerve, I didn't mean to hit a nerve. I'm getting super annoyed.

"Get out of my face Aaliyah." I say plainly.but she didn't listen ,she was spitting in my face at this points

"AALIYAH GET OUT MY FACE!" I yell at her,I didn't mean to.

She steps back tears flooded her eyes

Patience and understanding.

I heard and ignored.

"Speak to me like I'm a human being Aaliyah! Don't expect me to understand you because I don't! I don't know the situation at all! Speak to me!" I was furious.

She wasn't looking at me but at the ground. I look up to the sky and catch a breath. What went so wrong ? We were having a moment that was so perfect.

Patience and understanding.

"Aaliyah,I'm not your mom or your dad or your friend where you think you have to defend yourself, talking to me. I'm listening Aaliyah I am not judging you. Unlike them I am here to listen and believe you!" I look back down ahead,only to find her missing. She was slowly inching towards the floor crying,I quickly grabbed her to lift her up. It was useless, so I fell with her back onto the blanket. As she cried I pulled her into my arms,wrapping them around her.
She took a long moment before speaking.

" I was at a party, a birthday party." She finally spoke after calming down,I did not dare make her look at me so that it wasn't awkward. I let her speak.

"I was having a great time,but then this guy came. He was cute, and he talked to me." She lowers her voice at the last part.
"He seemed nice and cool, I don't remember everything. All i know was my friend told me to go to the back,to get his jacket because we were all about to go outside to play games."

She took some sniffs as I wiped her face that was in my chest.
"I went to the back and, I heard the door close." She cried more and my heart stopped. I realized something, she was trying to tell me.

She was raped.

"I didn't want to- I also didn't wanna get an abortion but my mom made me." she covers her face and cried out-loud. I held her so close,but it wasn't enough, I wanted to help heal her. I wanted to get revenge, but like God said.

Vengeance is mine

So do it God,do it!

Was all I could say in my head, I had wrong thoughts. Then God spoke.

Proverbs 24:17-18
Do not rejoice and gloat when your enemy falls, And do not let your heart be glad [in self-righteousness] when he stumbles, Or the LORD will see your gloating and be displeased, And turn His anger away from your enemy.


She cleaned herself up and pulled back still not making eye contact.

A vision played in my head, it was a wedding. There was flowers everywhere, I was the groom. When I turned to my left I saw her as the bride.God what does this mean, what chu tryna say.

I told you because I trust you ,but if you ruin the surprise for her. I will hinder your blessing.

I widen my eyes looking at her,she finally looked at me.

"What?" She stared and I shook my head.

"My mother thinks I did it on purpose." She blurted.

I nod "figures..and your dad?"

She scoffs " he has my back but I still feel like he resents me."

I take her hand "when is the last time you genuinely talked to God?"

She stared at me,Like she was questioning everything. She switched between my eyes,she couldn't say anything.

"What did you originally want to say?" She stared in my eyes.

I almost forgot

"I wanted you to be my girlfriend." I said plainly.She took a moment

"I have to go." She got up in a rush I frowned and shot up "whoa whoa whoa Aaliyah !" She darts to her car and drove off.

That was about 5 months ago. The semester been ended.

Picking up where I started.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon