Venus Frigoris

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As soon as Rayla saw Callum stumble out of Finnegrin's office, it took her every ounce of her not to lash out. Callum fell onto his knees with his hands bound behind his back in front of Rayla, Ezran, and Soren with his head bowed. Even from their distance, Rayla could hear how labored his breathing was. Many places on the fabric of his outfit were ripped and blood was trailing down his pale skin, turning the fabric a dark red.

"Callum!" Rayla shouted and stood up. "What is he doin' to you? Let him go!"

Deadwood grabbed Rayla by both arms with just one of his big hands and lifted her into the air. As she struggled in the Earth creature's hold, she sank her teeth into his wrist, pulling off a chunk of his wood with his skin.

She missed what Finnegrin told Deadwood when he put her down. She heard Soren say something about Deadwood doing a good job. That goofball.

Rayla spat the wood piece from her mouth into her hand and clutched it in a balled fist before anyone could see. She'd be able to pick the lock with it when the time was right. There were some weapons leaning against a crate nearby that she could use...

"So boy," Finnegrin said and snapped Rayla back to reality. "Who's gonna lose a hand?"

For the theft? Rayla asked herself. Oh no. 

"No..." Callum muttered. Rayla saw him wince in pain when he talked. He took a shuttering breath. "I won't pick."

"You better," Finnegrin said with an evil smile. He twirled a jagged knife in his hand. "Or I'll take a hand from all of them!" 

"Take mine!" Ezran said, lifting both hands in his chains. "I'm the one who stole from you!" 

"No, take mine!" Rayla argued. She admired the king's confidence, but she couldn't let Ezran get hurt. Callum wouldn't want his little brother to get hurt either. "I almost lost one anyway, so I suppose I'm due."

"Don't you want a strong, muscular hand?" Soren asked, adding himself to the mix. 

"I can get along without a hand," Villads said with a sneer. "Hocks are in fashion these days!"

"What is wrong with you all?" Finnegrin asked. 

"You see?" Callum suddenly burst out and stood up. Rayla was able to finally see the state Callum was in. His face was bloodied and bruised. One of his eyes was halfway swollen shut from the beatings Finnegrin put him through. A nasty looking cut scraped across his left cheek that Rayla could only guess was caused by a knife. She could even see a small cut on his neck where the sharp object must have rested against him.

"As long as we have love and friendship, we will always win," Callum said with a raspy voice. 

Rayla noticed how much Callum had changed over the two years she'd left him. He didn't seem like the same young prince she chased around the castle looking to kill him. He still held the same loyalty he always had. Like the time he pretended to be Ezran so he could keep his younger brother safe. 

Now here he was in front of her. The same Callum but...different. In a good way. He seemed more confident. Not the prince who was bad at sword fighting or horse riding. Callum seemed to have found himself as a mage. Rayla couldn't help but feel proud. 

Finnegrin smirked. Rayla didn't like it at all.

"Well," he started and made his way behind Callum to undo his chains. "If they'll do anything for you, surely you'll do anything for them." Finnegrin unlocked the chains around his wrists, slipping something into his hand,

Callum opened the palm and he went pale. Then Rayla saw what was in his hand. A snake stomach. The same kind Callum used to use the dark magic spell two years ago. 

Failed You - Mystery of Aaravos/The Dragon Prince Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن