𝐕 |⭑𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬⭑.ೃ࿐

Start from the beginning

"What did she say, auntie? Did you
hear her?" Aurora eagerly askes.
It was so rare crossing paths with the Queen let alone having her talk to you.

"She simply flattered you, dearest."

And Aurora nods. As Lady Danbury eyes Violet sympathetically, clearly having heard the Queen...

"I would like to welcome you both
to my box this evening. I insist."

Well no could say no to Lady Agatha Danbury.

Aurora leans forward, taken by the love story on stage. She understood Francesca's passion for music and operas. They are simply fascinating.

Her aunt Violet can't help but eye Queen Charlotte, sitting in the royal box, Lady Danbury turns to her, quiet so Aurora cannot hear them.

"They are saying her husband will
not live to the end of the month." She refers to Queen Charlotte.

"Surely another rumor provided by
that vicious scandal mongering writer. Should her degradation know no bounds?" Violet replies angrily.

"Lady Whistledown writes of my
family, too. Yet I suppose the
duke can withstand such scrutiny
since he is, after all, a man."

Violet nods.

"His Grace was fortunate to have
you there with him as a child.
After what happened to his mother.
Awful." Sympathetically she says.

"He is not what Whistledown says."

"Nor is Aurora." She was quick to her defence.

"It would seem the two of them
have that in common then. Matches
have certainly been made with far
How could she be such a sly, cunning woman?

"What are you suggesting?" Violet wondered intrigued.

"Lady Whistledown merely writes
what she sees. Perhaps we need
to help her see things a bit more...
clearly. Unless of course you'd object to
such a match for other more... contentious reasons."
And Violet turns to her as Lady Danbury raises an eyebrow, assessing.

Violet smiles. "Such matches have always had my full support, Lady Danbury. And I would say that even if our King and Queen were not leading by such wondrous example."

Now it's Lady Danbury's turn to smile.
"I knew there was a reason why I liked you so much, Lady Bridgerton. You shall know the duke is quite fond of
gooseberry pie..."

"The very dish my cook is renowned
for." She beams.
They turn back to Aurora who's still enthralled by the show, when -- on stage, Siena suddenly clutches her chest,
belting out a stunning aria.

"Be assured the duke will be invited at the first chance that has been given to me."

"I will inform him of your intentions as well."

The two plotting ladies chuckle devilishly.

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Dearest Reader,

Tonight, a privileged selection
of only the most fashionable guests
will descend upon the most scandal
prone grounds in all of London:
Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens...
Its shaded garden walls, such as
those of the Dark Walk, have
covered for the most notorious of
trysts. This author wonders which
persons of quality shall be
discovered there tonight. Or
better yet, how many?

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