Twin-A-Rooney (s1 e1)

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(Aspen pov)

I knocked on the door of the Rooney house and waited a minute. It was cold out and I never thought to bring a jacket. 'What's taking so long'  I thought to myself. The door finally swung open. "Welcome home!" The Rooney's all shouted at me. Their faces quickly dropped when they realized I'm not Liv.

"Come in." Maddie said. You could hear her disappointment in those two small words.

"Sure seems like you guys are happy to see me." I said sarcastically. I sat down on the couch next to Joey and gave him a quick side hug. He gave me a cracker with dip on it which I was quick to eat. I was starving.

"No, Dad, No. Okay, it needs to go up. More." Maddie was trying to get her dad to fix the welcome home sign. "More. Up more. Down a tiny bit. Perfect."

"Joey why aren't you helping." I questioned as I ate more dip.

"I suggested we just give her a hotdog and a hug to welcome her back but apparently that was too sad of a welcome." He stated.

"Snack update. Where's Liv's favorite dip?" Maddie asked Mrs.Rooney.

"Oh you mean this dip?" I asked with some still in my mouth.

"You three are eating the dip? This is Wisconsin. You can't welcome someone without dip. You three are officially banned from the Welcome Home Zone." Maddie blurted at us. Mrs. Rooney calmed her down until Liv came inside the house. Liv and Maddie began hugging the minute she walked in the door.

"Take notes, that's what it looks like when a girl is happy to see you." Parker teasingly informed Joey.

"Hey what about me?" I cried.

"You don't count. You like being with Joey, so that makes you a weirdo." He said with a know it all tone as he smiled at me.

"Thanks Parker. And this is what it looks like inside my armpit." Joey smiled as he shoved Parker's face in his armpit.


I sat in the kitchen eating an apple then went to look for Joey. "Hey, Mrs.Rooney. Have you seen Joey?"

"Oh no sweetie but he's probably around somewhere." She walked off with a bowl of popcorn in her hands. She was no help.

I wandered the house until I decided to check the basement. Joey and Parker were talking about making a bro cave.

"Close your eyes and let me take you there." Joey instructed his brother. He then slapped his forehead. I walked over to them and stood on my knees to level with the little table.

"Whatcha guys talking about?" I asked.

"We're making a bro cave. You're gonna help. Take the popcorn machine from the living room." Joey laid out the plan then he and Parker grabbed things to take for their bro cave.

We slowly walked out making sure their parents couldn't hear us. I grabbed the handle to the popcorn machine and lugged it upstairs.

Mr. and Mrs. Rooney were talking about how they needed to have eyes on the back of their heads and that they were smarter than we are. If only they knew what Joey and I do when they leave the house.

We eventually made it to their room and put everything in place.


"Well I aced our calculus test so you have some catching up to do." I told Joey.

"Yeah whatever, I wasn't feeling too good that day. Hey look there's my sister let's go talk to her. We walked over to her locker and she began acting weird.

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