jackie's bleached hair

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Lee was never nervous around anyone

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Lee was never nervous around anyone. He never cared what people thought of him; he was just himself and if people didn't like that then he'd tell them to fuck off. But today, today he was a nervous wreck. For stupid reasons, Lee had decided to help Isaac with his plan to get Jade back as his girlfriend, but when he agreed, he forgot that Jade would probably be annoyed at him because he was ignoring her. Lee knew what Jade is like when she is annoyed at someone and he was too scared to face that, but for Isaac, he was having to face it. "I can't believe I'm doing this" Lee tells Isaac "She's gonna be pissed off at me."

"Just walk over to her and start talking to her" Isaac says with a shrug "It's not a big deal."

"You've been on the end of a pissed off Jade, right?" Lee asks, which makes Isaac nod his head "How was that for you?"

"Terrifying" Isaac says before having a moment of realisation "Oh yeah, she's going to bury you alive. Good luck with that."

"I hate you sometimes, you know that right?" Lee bluntly says to his older brother, who looked down at him with a smile.

"You love me really" Isaac says with a smile "Now go over there and tell Jade how amazing I am" Isaac encourages Lee, who walks over to Jade, who is stood at her locker.

"Hey Jade" Lee nervously says, making Jade to turn and look at him with a glare. If looks could kill, Lee would be dead right now.

"Oh, so now you decide to talk to me?" Jade sarcastically asks "And all you can say is hey? We're supposed to be friends, Lee. Friends don't stop speaking to each other for no reason, like, honestly, I don't care if you want to speak to me or not but at least give me a reason for it."

"I know I should have told you and I'm sorry about that" Lee apologies "The reason I stopped talking to you is because after you broke up with Isaac, I felt like I'd be betraying him if I kept being friends with you."

"So why are you speaking to me now?" Jade says as she sees Isaac watching the conversation out of the corner of her eye "What are you two up to?"

"What are you talking about?" Lee asks nervously.

"Well, you've randomly started talking to me again while Isaac is watching this whole conversation" Jade tells Lee before sarcastically smiling at Isaac and waving at him.

"Look, Jade" Lee starts to quietly say "He knows he messed up, okay? He just wants to make things right between the two of you."

"Well you can tell your brother that once he grows a pair of balls and comes to talk to me himself, then we can sort it out" Jade tells Lee "But until then, he doesn't get a chance to make things right."

"I'll let him know" Lee tells Jade.

"I'll see you around" Jade tells Lee with a smile before shutting her locker and walking away, not even acknowledging Isaac as she walks past him.

"So, what did she say?" Isaac eagerly asks as Lee walks back over to him.

"That if you want to make things right, then you have to talk to her yourself" Lee tells Isaac.

"Shit!" Isaac says loudly, running one of his hands through his hair "This was not part of the plan!"


"Hey Jackie" Jade says with a smile as she goes to sit at the cafeteria table that she is sat at "Okay, why are you wearing that cap? For one, it doesn't go with your outfit, and two, it's just a no."

"Isaac" Jackie says with a sigh "He made a bet that I wouldn't go to school with bleached hair."

"He bleached your hair?" Jade asks, making Jackie nod her head.

"Well, not really but he did put bleach into the shampoo" Jackie says with a frustrated sigh "It's going to take ages to fix."

"Okay, it's bad enough that he pulled a prank on you but for him to ruin your hair, that's a no. You never ruin a girls hair. Ever." Jade says before she stands up and walks over to the table that Isaac is sat at with his friends and Lee "What the fuck?" Jade says to Isaac "Bleaching Jackie's hair? Do you not remember how many times I told you how much pride a girl takes into their hair and then you go and ruin Jackie's, especially in the place she is in right now? Honestly, Isaac, how can you be such a dickhead? I really want to know because you just seem to make every girl that you're ever in contact with sad in some way."

"What's the big deal?" Isaac asks "It'll be fixed easily."

"By easy do you mean spending hours redyeing her hair to it's natural colour?" Jade asks Isaac "And as well do you know how much money that hair dye is going to cost her? Seriously, Isaac, for once just admit that you're in the wrong for once" Jade tells Isaac, which makes him stay silent "Oh, and the next time I hear that you mess up a girls hair, I'm going to personally come over to your house and shave your hair off and see if you like that" Jade says before walking back to her table, leaving Isaac in shock.

"Well" Lee says to break the awkwardness "At least she's talking to you again."

"Shut up Lee" Isaac tells Lee before getting up and walking out of the cafeteria.

954 Words

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Mar 27 ⏰

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