Chapter 1: Coffee Shop.

Start from the beginning

Niki peeked her head out from the back, and we glanced at each other.

"Hey Niki, will you text my boyfriend and tell him I love him very much, please?" I asked.

"Of course, Clay the gay." She replied.

I turned my attention back to the woman who looked horrified.

"Oh yeah. We all have nicknames here. Don't mind her." I laughed.

She just stared at me blankly.

"You said more vanilla?" I asked.

She slowly nodded.

She looks vanilla as hell.

I almost laughed at my thoughts. I grabbed her drink and put two more pumps of vanilla in it. I stirred it around before giving it back.

"Have a lovely day, ma'am." I stated with a wide smile.

She just walked away. I went into the back and burst out laughing. Niki started laughing as well.

"Holy shit. Did you see her fucking face?" I wheezed.

"Of course she asked for vanilla." Niki laughed.

"Bro! I was thinking the same fucking thing!" I yelled.

We both started laughing even harder.

"Oh my god - I can't - I can't breathe." I gasped through laughs.

Both of us had tears running down our faces and Niki had totally fucked up her makeup.

"Where is he? Where's my boyfriend?" An angry voice asked.

Niki and I both stopped laughing.

"He's already shown up? You've been here for less than five minutes." Niki said.

We walked out of the room. Jasper was currently fuming at the front counter.

"There you are. Why weren't you up here?" He asked.

"Because I was shit talking with Niki in the back." I told him, leaning my elbows on the counter.

I noticed the vanilla lady watching us.

"Kiss me." I demanded.

He immidiantly brought his lips to mine. The lady watched in disgust. My hand went to the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. I slipped my tongue in his mouth.

"Okay, that's enough PDA for today, you freaks." Niki said.

Jasper and I pulled away from each other.

"I just came to say hi. I'm going back to your dorm." He stated.

"I'll see you when I get home." I replied.

He left, and I noticed the vanilla lady still watching me. I smiled and turned my back to her, facing Niki.

"That was nasty." Niki stated.

I grabbed her shoulders.

"I am gonna fuck the shit out of him when I get home." I said.

She pushed me hands off her.

"Ew! That's so gross! Don't tell me that!" She yelled.

"Oh, come on. You hear all of my sexual adventures. You love the gossip. Don't lie." I called her out.

"You are even worse than you were in high school." She stated, walking into the back.

"You still love me. I don't wanna hear it." I said.

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