chap 3 ; a quidditch game to remember.

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Being sat between the twins for breakfast was the worst possible thing you could do

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Being sat between the twins for breakfast was the worst possible thing you could do. Between Fred's loud chewing and George telling him to shut up every 5 minutes, but Diana had managed to ignore them. Until she felt a piece of toast hit her cheek. "Fred. If you don't learn how to keep your food in your own personal space, I'm going to let Penny possibly punch you" She smiled innocently, closing the newspaper that was in her hands. "Try saying that 5 times fast" George spoke up from her right side, making her role her eyes. In the distance you could hear an owl screech, a confused look on Diana's face appeared. "Who's getting mail today?" She mumbled under her breath. It was obvious that Diana never got mail. Her parents didn't care enough to even send her a simple letter, which was fine with her. The attention needed to be on her siblings back home. She had about seven of them. All under the age to attend Hogwarts which was all fine in her books. 

The owl dropped the gift into Harry's hands, Diana's eyes going wide. "Bit early for mail, isn't it?" Hermione spoke up with a confused look on her face. "But I...I never get mail" Harry said, Diana chuckling. "Tell me about it kid." She mumbled, George looking over at her with a little pout. "Let's open it!!" Ron said excitedly. All three of the littles quickly opened up the gift. "Aw! I remember those days.. excepted when mum sent me something it was the rest of my magazine collection of the muggle band 'east 17'.. horrible times" Diana chuckled, leaning her head on George's shoulder while she watched the little ones. Harry gasped. "It's a broom stick..." "That's not just a broomstick, Harry!! It's a Nimbus 2000!" Ron spoke excitedly. Diana looked towards the clock, her eyes going wide. "Oh shite! I have to get ready for the game, as tradition!" Diana stood up, kissing Fred's cheek then kissing Georges. "Good luck at the game! Go Gryffindor!" She giggled running off, both of the twins watching as she ran. "She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen Fred" George smiled, looking back at his brother. "Absolutely stunning." 


"Would you stop complaining! You look cute!" Diana said with a smile causing Penny to roll her eyes. "I look disgusting in red!" Penny complained, fixing the jersey Diana had hand painted. "But now you can sit in the Gryffindor stans with me!" The blonde smiled, clapping her hands and cheering as both Fred and George flew by. "Why do I have to wear the Fred one.." Penny whined. "Because you and Fred are my favorites!" Diana giggled. "HELLO AND WELCOME TO HOGWARTS' FIRST QUIDDITCH GAME OF THE SEASON! TODAY'S GAME, SLYTHERIN VERSUS GRYFFINDOR!"  The stans went wild. Everyone jumping and cheering. Diana clapped as she jumped around, Penny looking at her as if she was crazy the entire time. "THE PLAYERS TAKE THEIR POSITIONS AS MADAM HOOCH STEPS OUT ONTO THE FEILD TO BEGIN THE GAME!" The blonde smiled in George's direction, the boy sending her a wink as she giggled. 

"So when are you two going to get together?" Penny asked, crossing her arms. "We had this talk! My parents pick my boyfriends and most importantly my husband. Which if what I heard is true, then I am absolutely bloody screwed." Diana sighed, looking over at Penny as the brunette giggled. "It's not funny!" "No, I'm laughing because you never mentioned that they have to pick your flings.. Just- get it over with already" Diana's eyes went wide. "No. For one, I am gladly saving that for marriage and so is George, we spoke about this during one of our late-night talks. And for two, I'm 13.. I've already had mono; I don't have time for any kind of sexually transmitted infections." "You don't need to go smart on me". Within a couple of minutes of back and forth the first goal was scored. 

But Diana couldn't stay focused, normally she'd be so in tacked with the game but for some reason her mind couldn't shut up. All she could manage to think about was the conversation she overheard a couple months before. Although her parents rarely pay attention to her, nor do they really care what she does. They were already getting ready to ship her off to be with some boy who's in a whole different house than her. Her parents had both agreed that this specific male would be the perfect fit for their daughter. But then again, they had a second boy in mind. The second boy Diana had known since she was little, just not the boy she had hoped it would be.

"HE'S GOT THE SNITCH, HARRY POTTER RESCIVES 150 POINTS FOR CATCHING THE SNITCH" were the words to pull Diana out of her thoughts, besides Penny actually screaming and getting into the game, jumping around and cheering. "GRIFFYNDOR WINS!" Diana and Penny locked hands, and hugging one another tightly. Diana ran out of her seat, running down the flight of stairs and quickly running to the Gryffindor tent. The team was dancing around, Oliver Wood sat on grass with an ice pack on his stomach. "George. Your girlfriends here" He groaned, hunching over. Penny stood behind Diana, her face in disgust with how sweaty everyone looked and how gross the tent smelled. "You guys need a shower." Penny said, gagging. "Do I get a victory kiss?" Fred asked, wrapping his arms around Penny. "No. you can kiss your arse" She replied, pushing the boy off of her. 

Diana ran over to George, wrapping her arms around the tired boy. "WE HAVEN'T WON THE FIRST MATCH OF THE SEASON SINCE YOU WERE ON THE TEAM AND BROKE YOUR ARM!" He yelled, hugging her tightly. She yelped in response followed by a giggle. "You guys did so good out there! Especially you Georgie!" Diana said, fixing the boys hair. "This match is one for the books" He laughed, Diana nodding, kissing him on his cheek while he smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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