He chuckels a little. "you look better here, better than before." He took a sip of his coffee. "yeah, I feel like I'm getting there." You turned to him.

"What happened to give you a place down here, if you don't mind me asking?" You leaned forward, elbows on the table. "It's fine." He waved his hand, "police men ain't innocent (Y/n). Sometimes we have to kill to garente our own safety." He said taking another sip of his coffee. You nodded.

"The coffee sure is good here, isn't it?" He said looking up at you. You nodded again, "you should try Sally's tea! It's absolutely delicious." You said. It felt like you had known each other longer.

"(Y/n)!" Sally shouted. "Oh I got to go, remember to try the tea." You said standing. "alright I will, it's good to see you (Y/n)." He said as you walked away.

"Do you know that guy (Y/n)?" Cece asked. You froze for a sec. "Umm yeah, I knew him when I was alive." Was all you said on that topic. "Where's Sally?" You asked. She pointed to the kitchen. You nodded and said a small thank you.

Walking into the kitchen you could hear the oven fan going also Sally and John talking. "I brought you one as well." She said, holding something up to John.

"Sally? You called for me?" You said walking up to them. "Ah yes dear" she handed John the thing and walked over to you. "I want to show you something, follow me dear." She walked past you, back to the front.

You followed her out, to see the cafe being changed around a little. The tables and chairs had been move to be facing the stage. 3 - 4 booths had been set up a long the wall furthest away from the stage. You where only gone like a few seconds and everything had moved. Damn they work fast.

"I wanted to show you this" she gesture to the cafe. You smiled to her. "This is how we set it up, so the stage is the main focus." She then pointed to the stage.

The piano had been moved a bit to the right and now small speakers had been set up on the edge of the stage.

"Also, wanted to show you how we protect ourselves." She held her hand flat out over the counter, then a pink glow emitted from her hand. It was going outwards, making a wall. You stared at it in amazement. She turned to you,

"you can see it dear?" She questioned. You nodded to her, "am I not ment to see it?" Looking back at the wall, it now transparent, only bold pink around the ceiling and walls. "Other people can't." She moved her hand away, the wall complete.

She stepped back, looking at her work. "Try to go thought it dear." She gestured to it. You looked at her, hesitant to try it.

You then raised a hand, flat out, it collided with the wall. You smiled at it. "Give it a push dear." Sally encouraged again. You did as she said and pushed against the wall slightly, it buzzed at your hand. Pink glowed around your hand as you pushed. You turned to look at Sally, a smile on your face.

"How did you do that?" You asked taking your hand away. Sally touched her nose "my secret" she said. "Thought I will show you it at some point." She walked away.

You turned to look back out at the cafe, seeing Cece stare at you. You shrugged at her, following Sally. She walked over to Cece "what was that about?" Cece asked rasing a brow. "(Y/n) can see the protection spell I have." Sally gestured towards the counter, where you two once was. "Really? Not many people have been able to see it." Cece looked towards you.

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