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Your eyes stayed glued to the page of the book you were currently reading. "No." Was the simple answer you gave the glasses wearing Sakamki brother. "I don't remember giving you a choice (y/n)." Reiji glared down at you. Your eyes left the book and stared at the tall male who towered over you.

"Last time I drank one of your concoctions I slept for two weeks straight, and when I woke up I couldn't move from bed for three days due to being paralyzed from the effects." You sighed.

"Well-" "And the week before all that happened the concoction before that made me grow a cat tail and cat ears that lasted two days, I didn't really enjoy that due to Laito following me around asking if he could stroke me and make me pur like a bad kitty." You cut Reiji off.

Silence filled the air. Reiji's cheeks were slightly red. "Can't you get Yui to test it?" You asked with a raised brow. "She refused to drink it and hid somewhere." Reiji sighed. "Well it seems you have a personal problem then, huh?" You chuckled before reading your book again.

"Reiji, (y/n) let's go we're going to be late for school." Ayato called from the door looking bored. You stood up and closed your book. Ayato walked away from the door, but you remained in front of Reiji. "I'm sorry, I'll think about testing it." You walked by the purple haired male.

His red eyes watched your retreating figure. Sighing he would have to wait later to test it on you whether you liked it or not. Hopefully you would agree and he wouldn't have to force the liquid into you. He walked out of the library and downstairs to the waiting limo at the front door.

The ride to school was silent. Kanato played with Teddy silently while Shu napped. Ayoto was trying to get close to Yui, but she kept scooting away and bumping into you. Sighing you climbed over Yui and sat between her and Ayato.

Laito stared out the window bored. meanwhile Reiji and you stared at each other from across the car. When the limo pulled up at school the brothers, Yui, and yourself exited and enter the large structure. Shu had disappeared, mostly to skip class and take a nap in the music room. Kanato, Ayato and you had your first class together.

Yui had class with Laito, and Reiji was suppose to have a class with Shu but the eldest sibling never really showed up for classes. Your second period was study hall with Reiji. You sat in an empty class room reading your book from earlier. The door opened then closed. Reiji Sat in the empty desk beside you and watched as you read your book.

"I still have not made up my mind." You spoke without turning away from your page. "Don't you trust me?" Reiji seemed slightly hurt. "I trusted you for two experiments, but we both know how they turned out." You marked the page you were on and placed your book down.

"What if this one actually works?" Reiji gave you a small smile. "What if it doesn't? What if you made a mistake and it kills me." You stared at Reiji with a serious face. His eyes widened and he quickly grabbed your shoulders. Anger flashed in his eyes. "Don't you dare say that! Do you truly believe I am that stupid!?" Reiji yelled.

Your eyes widened in fear. Reiji had never flipped out on you before, actually you've never seen him this angry. You placed your hands over his. "I-I'm sorry. I'm just scared about what it will do." Your eyes began to water.

"Then please trust me." Reiji reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the small vile with a green liquid in it. You gulped and reached for the vile with shaky hands. Taking a deep breath you uncorked the vile and placed it to your lips.

A foul sour taste filled your mouth. Your gag reflex was triggered. You were about to spit it out, but Reiji placed his hand over your mouth. You swallowed the liquid and started to cough. Reiji took away his hand and watched as you coughed. "That tasted terrible! I think I'm gonna vomit." You jumped up and tried to run out of the room and to the bathroom.

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