Start from the beginning

"Hemolymph," Satoru responded nonchalantly, causing her to tilt her head inquisitively.

"Ah.. i see.." She murmured.

"What is a hemelonymp?" she inquired, the word sounded foreign to your tongue, and her words were a bit slurred , unable to pronounce the word properly.

"It's Hemolymph."

Satoru corrected.


"No. Hemolymph."

"Hemolymph is a fluid that serves as an equivalent to blood," Satoru elucidated, succinctly summarizing the essence of hemolymph, but leaving her with a desire to comprehend its intricacies.

"That butterfly actually reminds me of you, to be honest."

Satoru attentively tended to the small droplets of blood that had emerged from the slit on her lip, which was now swollen and adorned with painful bruises. He dabbed a soft tissue against the injured area, gently blotting away the traces of crimson liquid, leaving no remnant behind.

[Name] slightly winced in pain, a shaky sigh bubbling in her throat, the sound escaping her lips involuntarily like a morning mist while Satoru diligently attended to her injuries.

"All better now?" His voice was as gentle as the breeze brushing past the leaves, and when his fingers swept against her cheeks, it was with the softness of a feather. She nodded, unable to speak, her exhaustion weighing down on her like a lead balloon.

"I suppose," she mumbled, unsure of how to proceed. She search for the right words, hesitating for a moment before allowing het eyes to flit over to the liquid on satoru's windowpane before clearing her throat.

"But about your previous statement," she began,

Satoru tilts his head ever so curiously, waiting for her answer.

"Yes?" He replied.


Is it because the butterfly was bleeding, just like me?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she tried to steady herself, refusing to shift until Satoru had finished wiping the blood from her lip.

Upon completing his task, Satoru rose from his kneeling position and disposed of the stained tissue.

"Is it because it bled?" she repeated, the words soft and introspective, her gaze drifting upward to the ceiling as she inhaled sharply.

Satoru nodded, acknowledging her observation.
"Mhm. Partially, yes, but, you're pretty just like that insect." he replied,

She couldn't help but let out a small, resigned sigh. Of course, Satoru would see beauty in her; she was his precious sister after all. Yet deep down, she knew that his perception of her stood in stark contrast to the world's view, On satoru's eyes, she was the epitome of beauty, but on other people's eyes? Not even close.

He was ethereal, an angel, a being so close to being a data, while she's a mere shadow in his radiant presence.

It made her lips purse and satoru noticed.
Jealousy had bubbled in you again, you noted.

夏油傑 || 𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐎𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now