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Human!Alastor x Angel!Femreader 

(I'll mostly do femreaders or nonbinary unless requested. Even if I'm not female that moment, it's easier for me to write, please don't judge.)

!TW!: Self Harm


You are and angel up there in Heaven You are Heavenborn (Hellborn but in Heaven basically), one of the Archangels, which means you can visit Earth whenever you please. Heartbroken after your favorite brother, Lucifer, had fallen to Hell, you started to drop into Earth a lot more frequently, walking around, helping people occasionally, just to get out of the suffocating bounds of home. Years later, on one of your trips down, a charming young man caught your eye and refused to worm his way out of your heart.

"Former Archangel Samael Magne," Gabriel droned in his boring, official tone, "We herby banish you from the Kingdom of God."

"Sam!" you screamed.

"Shush, Y/N, this isn't your place to interfere," Gabriel shot a glare.

"But surely-"

"Father has made a desicion, and it is our duty to execute it," then his tone sharpened, "And yours too, is it not?"

Deflated, you slumped, unable to watch the scene before you.

"You've always hated me, right? Only Y/N ever really loved me!" Samael's voice was quiet, but blaming. It resonated throughout the chamber, and a look of guilt flashed across all the archangels' faces. All except you.

"Samael. We tried, but can anyone except Y/N love a monster?" Raphael said soothingly.

"Are you implying I'm weak-hearted?" you looked to him, annoyed.

"He's just saying. Sam, we tried really, really hard to accept your differences, we did! But... at the end of the day, this is where we stand. Because you couldn't control yourself. Because you succumbed to bloodlust," Michael tried to soften the blow on his brother.

"If you're trying, why aren't you standing up for me? Not even Y/N! Whatever. I don't care about you anymore, do you hear me? I don't care I. Don't. Goddamn. Care," Samael hissed, voice rising with every syllable.

"Do not use the Father's name in-" Gabriel started, but he was cut off.

"Shut. Up," Samael hissed.

"Gabe, come on at least consider Sam's feeli-" you too were cut off.


And with that, he whipped around, stepping into the portal waiting behind him. Those last words ringing in the air, Samael disappeared.


(Years Later)

Third Pov Y/N:

Tears streaming down her face, Y/N flew through Earth's shiny blue although already slightly polluted skies, just above the clouds. Occasionally, she'd allow her bare feet to gently skim the white puffs of water vapor, enjoying the coldish feeling of water particles attaching themselves to her. Despite her Angel resilience, the cold still bit into her skin, but she savored the feeling.

"I wasn't good enough," she murmured.


Sam was right. Y/N had done nothing. All she had done is request they cushion his feelings in the last moments of his time in Heaven. She had never actually defended him. Unable to think of a reasonable argument, she had stood at his trial, speechless, frustrated with herself.

The worst part was, a week after his exile, all the things Y/N could have said, and would have made sense, flowed into her head. I failed Sam, she thought.







Letting her tears cascade down her face, her clothes, and down among the clouds, she thought back to the events of earlier on in the day. Y/N had tripped and knocked over a row of braziers, setting fire to... a lot of things. Michael and Gabriel had told her to stay out of everyone's way for a while.

Why can't I do anything right?

Y/N had been trying to use her botanokinesis powers to add a splash of color to the boring white of one of the palace's numerous hallways, but tripped on her own rose vine moving forwards and crashed into a flaming brazier. There would've been nearly no harm done, if it weren't for her flowers that had caught on and spread the fire.

Another to the Y/N messes up list, Y/N thought bitterly. The youngest Archangel fell into a dive through the clouds, then pulled up just before she went completely through. The cold stung her like crazy, particles of icy water cutting into her skin, reddening it. Messing up means punishment, Y/N shed a few more tears that she couldn't feel roll down her cheeks due to the numbing effect of the cold that was now settling.

Fully spreading out her wings, Y/N spiraled into a spinning dive through the clouds, all the way down, down down...

The gravel grazed her feet ever so slightly as she pulled up once more. Flying was the one thing she was good at. Dropping gently to the ground, Y/N began walking through the streets, folding in her wings on the way. The humans wouldn't be able to see her unless she wanted them to, or unless she directly interfered with the mortal world, but it was inconvenient to walk around with feathered fliers with a wingspan of six and a half feet.

Walking through the streets of what was currently her favorite town, seeing as she pretty much hated heaven now, Y/N looked around at the mortals living their everyday lives almost wistfully. They seemed so... at peace. Passing by a building that was apparently a radio broadcasting studio, she flinched as the door flung open right next to her and somebody stepped out.

Panicked, she half leapt away from the door, falling on her shoulder. Good thing she didn't have her wings out, or she didn't know how she would have gotten back home. Scrambling to her feet, she looked up to see who had caused her to fall. She was annoyed sure, but the irritation faded when she saw the person.

He had neat, dark brown hair, eyes the color of cocoa and naturally tanned skin. Tall and broad shouldered but otherwise fairly thin. A pair of thin oval glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, and he wore a black bowtie, tan vest, a white button up shirt a pair of black trousers, and professional looking black leather shoes.

Obviously he hadn't notice Y/N, seeing as she was still invisible to humans, which she was grateful for, since it was a pretty embarrassing situation. Especially considering the tinge of light pink coating the skin just above her cheekbones. No no no not so fast Y/N Magne! Absolutely not not not! You aren't falling for a human you just met!

But curiosity brought Y/N to her feet, and before she knew it, she was following him. Y/N looked at a nametag on his chest he was making to take off.


Alastor, Y/N smiled, You just got yourself a guardian angel. One that's maybe in love with you.

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