•𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱•

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Late that night...

"Ugh... after all that ghost busting... I'm beat..." Grim grumbled as he plopped down on one of the dusty old bed. he coughed and wheezed from the flying dust, groaning in frustration. "Man... why is this place so dusty compared to the lounge downstairs..."

"Well, complaining about won't definitely make anything better for you." Aether said as he opened the window and dusts off any debris and dirt off the pillows that he and Grim will lay their heads on. 

"By the way where are those two sleepin'? I'm pretty sure this is the only room that has available beds." Grim stated before glaring. "If I'm sharin' a bed I ain't sharin' with that glove boxing arrogant punk!"

Aether chuckles lightly at Grim's dislike towards Wriothesley. "You really hate him that much?"

"He grabbed me like I was some sort of cat! Which I ain't by the way!"

Grim scoffed while Aether laughed a bit. "Well, they chose their own rooms earlier so they have their own privacy." He explained. "If anything, I'm pretty sure they know how to survive." He assured while he puts the pillows back on the bed and closed the window. Aether looked up at the night sky and sighs. "I'm no closer to finding Lumine..." He mumbled to himself... Just his luck, being sucked into another world and being powerless, back to square one in this new unknown world... He shakes his head and turned around to see that Grim had already fallen asleep in matters of minutes. 

Aether walked around the bed and gently tugged the blanket from under Grim and put it over him. "Ha, kind of reminds me of Paimon...only not edible." He joked to himself before walking over to his own bed and getting in it to get comfortable. He reached over his bag to look for a book to read, but noticed one of his books were missing. "Ah I forgot..." He said recalling that Wriothesley requested for a book to read later. He grabbed a different book instead, Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs.

Meanwhile in Wriothesley's room...

He was using the moonlight as a source of light while he read a book by the window... Alice In Wonderland. Although he may seem to be reading about it, he was also jotting down notes of it in case the book could help in their current situations. After all, he believed that books do carry essential advice and help most of the time since they are written by authors with either ideal experiences or knowledge based in fantasy.

"Off with their heads..." Wriothesley mumbled and wrote that quote down on the notes he was writing on. "...hmm... that Riddle guy also said the same words and cast some kind of collar on Grim's neck...preventing him from casting his fire magic instantly." He continues to read through the story, taking in every and all details of the story: The Queen of hearts, Alice who fell in Wonderland, The Cheshire cat, the cards... 

The more he read of the story, the more he began to understand the moral of the story in the book. By the time he finished the entire book in one night nonstop, he looked out the window to see the sky was already turning purple. "Huh, how time flies." He said to himself and stretched his arms and yawned. he put the book down on the floor and rests on the floor. It would be uncomfortable, but he was use to sleeping on hard floors. 

He looked up at the ceiling and closes his eyes just in hopes to catch a few zs in the meantime... 

But was rudely awaken by a certain cat demon's yowls of surprise from Aether's room. "...So much for sleep..." He groaned and pushed himself up to go check up on Grim and Aether. Even Neuvillette opened his door to check to see what the commotion was about.

".... You look terrible." Neuvillette commented.

"And you look like you got rained on." Wriothesley replied seeing that Neuvillette was indeed soaked and drenched in water. "Planning to fix that leaking ceiling?" He added with a chuckle.

"I enjoyed it, thank you very much." He said before the two of them opened the door in time for them to evade Grim's spew of flames.

"....Again..?" Both men said at the same time and looked at the disappearing ghosts and a frantic Grim and a half asleep Aether with a bedhead.

"MMRRAAAAHHH I HATE THOSE DAMN GHOSTS!!" Grim exclaimed and complained loudly.

Twisted Wonderland and Genshin Impact Crossoverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن