Burnt Obsidian

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The veil of clandestine madness

Is covering our eyes

While we witness the wilderness

Every searing inch of this existence

Makes me want to dip myself in ice

But the very essence

Of you makes me push for existence

It's the reality that gets us

We either reject it or deny it

Painful as it will be every day

The eventual side of agony exists

No matter what anyone says

And the visual representation of you

Veiled in black shrouded cloth

Corroded blends of meaning and temperance enters

All that are set aside for the the dark moments

Clear and bright your eyes sever

All the shackles to this tethering prison

Your skin immeasurably trickles tangible surfaces

And here we lie in the midst of blunt purchases

Grainy as the epicenter of today

I long for your glimmering glare

Yet I abhor the polarity we possess

Bring on the contorted reality

Away from your melodious aura

Clear my mind of this mess

To be captivated by the very revival from coma

The porousness of darkness glides

And enters the shaft of perdition

Most of our torment slide askew

But the spurns of blight create lugubrious tension

More than the eternal repressed

The neutral opposition surfaced

Varying shades of grey

Painted upon the walls

There they echo and stay

Until the very distant cacophony calls

Rallying towards the gates

Of empty reclusions

And deeper seclusions

Barge in the ramparts

And the severed obelisks that float

Casting shadows that impart

Forlorn opulence in this tragic moat

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