Dashslicer: end of the line Rojo

Rojo: that you Leo, not bad. Sorry but I'm not in the mood for a date, so get off 

Rojo bucks dashslicer off the bike and drives off. Xlr8 catches dashslicer and looks at him. He drops him down as they chase after her. They didn't know another figure was catching up to him. He wore shorts and a hoodie. And resemble Xlr8

???: finally

He pressed a symbol on his chest and gains armor. As rojo speed up losing the plumbers, something fast crashed into her bike. It explodes sending her flying. The plumbers stop and look confused.

Dashslicer: I got her 

Dashslicer chases after rojo.

Xlr8: what was that. Rook? 

Rook: it wasn't from my proto truck. I thought it was you 

Then they see dashslicer return carrying Rojo.

Dashslicer: I check the bike and the item is gone 

Rook: this is troubling 

They look around. But miles away we see the figure admire the item, revealing he's Xlr8 species a Kinecelerans. 

???: another catch for the fastest thief, Vl6t  

(Vl6t is Velocity like Xlr8 name is accelerate). Vl6t skates away to his client. 

-Mr. Smoothie 

We see the trio at a stand drinking smoothies. 

Rook: I check the cameras on the protruck, and it indicates that something fast and strong bust through rojo bike and stole the item.

Leo: dang, so what should we do

Ben: it's obvius, we find him and kick his but 

Leo: yet this is the first time we'll be facing an speedster alien who can give you a challenge

Ben: what, I've faced speed aliens 

Leo: you only faced one, and she's a hybrid. Rook what was her name again

Rook: Helen wheels, she works with Manny Armstrong, a tetramand hybrid 

Ben: who I beat 

Leo: and besides that the alien was strong enough to ram a space bike. So it's speed plus strength. 

Ben: hm yeah [slurps smoothie] 

Leo: I'm guessing it's time for us to do some snooping in undertown 

Ben: yeah, after one more smoothie

Ben runs off and gets another smoothie as Leo and took shake their heads.


In Argit office. We see Vl6t sitting in a chair as he faces Argit and his two techadon body guards. Vl6t brings forth the item and Argit smiles.

Argit: nice job V, you do good work 

Vl6t: thanks boss, now do you have my payment 

Argit smiles and the techadon brings the money. 

Vl6t: now that's what I'm talking about

Argit: I got a few more jobs for you, first get me the golden fist 

Vl6t: oh yeah I remember that, it's the fist fistina used to go berserk on the in the fight club.

 Argit: and it's back at the fight club waiting for the next tournament 

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