The crossroads and the carnival

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A few moments later after crossing the river, Peter, Benny and Tommy were see that the road they were on splits into three paths, not knowing which way to go. Benny: "Uh oh... now which way?" Peter: "Um... I think it's that way." Tommy: "I think it's the left... or something..." that was was when they heard a voice that said 'Excuse me?', which sounded like the voice of a girl. The trio looked up ahead and see that the voice belonged to a white rabbit girl around their age, wearing a pink dress and bow on her head. Her name was Fluff Bobtail (voiced by Debbie Derryberry), and Peter couldn't help but gulped in nervousness as his heart began to race a little as he thought that she was the prettiest thing he had ever seen in his whole life. Fluff: "Are you lost?" Tommy: "Well... kind of... my name's Tommy by the way, and don't worry, I'm a friendly fox, that doesn't eat rabbits." Fluff: "Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Fluff Bobtail." Peter: "And my name's Peter Rabbit, and this is Benny, my cousin." Benny: "Well my real name is really Benjamin Bunny, but everyone calls me Benny for short." Tommy: "Have you seen a mailman by any chance?, he's got a crate that has Peter's sisters inside." Fluff: "Oh my, what are they in a crate?" Benny: "It's a long story, I'm afraid." Fluff: "Well lucky for you, I did see him, he's on his way to the mail train, on the left road." Peter: "I knew it was the road on the left!" said Peter, before his ear drooped again. Fluff: "Is something wrong with your ear?" Peter: "I uh... injured it, by a fight with a pack of wolves." Tommy: "Really?, I don't recall that happening." Benny: "Me neither." Peter: "Well... it happened before today, but never mind that, let's go." Fluff: "I should tell you that it's at least 20 miles from here." Peter: "It is?" Fluff: "Well, you could take the shortcut, passing through the carnival, then over the wall and through the forest, follow me." Peter: "Uh... sure." said Peter, before he follows Fluff to the carnival, with little hearts appearing above his head, which Tommy noticed right away. Tommy: "Don't look now Benny, but I think Peter just got shot by cupid's arrow." Benny: "Really?, what makes you think that?" Tommy: "Call it a hunch." a few moments later, they made it to the carnival, and they see that it was full of rides and games. As the group passes through, trying to avoid the people seeing them, Peter noticed a soft ball game that caught his eye, and thought it could get him to impress Fluff. The rabbit boy went to throw the balls and each one hits the winner hole, much to the others amazement. However, Tommy couldn't help but feel that something was very off about the game that Peter was playing, as he noticed that the name of the game was 'Soul Ball', which reminded him of something from his past. Tommy: "Um... Peter... maybe we should go now." Peter: "Oh yeah!, but let me finish this first." suddenly, a poof of smoke appeared behind the group, who were completely unaware of it, and out of the smoke were a trio of demons that looked like dragons with pitch forks. The first one was a red demon named ScreamClaw (voiced by Mark Hamill), the second was blue named ThunderSmacker (Voiced by Jim Cummings), and the last one was black named SpaceWarp (voiced by Frank Welker), and together they were called the Demon trio. When ScreamClaw came closer to the group, Tommy looks up and sees him. ScreamClaw: "Hello~." said the red demon dragon with an evil grin on his face, while Tommy was scared out of his wits as he knows who he is. Tommy: "P-p-p-Peter... uh... Peter... guys!" said Tommy, before he accidentally hits Peter on the back of the head with his paw, causing the ball to hit the wrong hole, which made him lose. Peter: "Oh man!, now look what you made me do!" Tommy: "But Peter... we're in big trouble..." Peter: "What do you mean?" Benny: "Um... maybe he's talking about... them..." said Benny, before pointing at the demon trio. ScreamClaw: "Indeed, you played our little 'Soul Ball' game, and because you just lost... your soul is ours for the taking." this made Peter to gulp in nervousness, realizing that these are the Demon Dragons that Tommy talked about earlier. ThunderSmacker: "And it looks like we might have some extra souls to take with his friends, starting with the pretty white one." hearing that made Fluff feel very scared, while Peter felt anger. Peter: "Back off!, her soul's not for you!" SpaceWarp: "Actually... s-she already owes us h-her soul." Peter: "What are you talking about?" Fluff: "Um... it's a long story..." Tommy: "You owe them your soul too?" Benny: "Too?" Tommy: "Yeah... I might owe them my soul too for some time." Peter: "Is that how you know them?" Tommy: "Well I did say I knew from experience." ScreamClaw: "If you're done with your chatting, we're just gonna take your souls and be going." Tommy: "No we're not done, and also don't have anything better to do than taking souls?" ScreamClaw: "Well not really, taking souls is what we do to make a living." ThunderSmacker: "A demon's gotta work too, ya know." SpaceWarp: "And it's been our j-j-job since the first humans appeared on this p-p-planet." while the trio were busy talking, the rabbits and fox walked away from the scene. ThunderSmacker: "Hey guys... did we ordered those kids to go?" ScreamClaw: "No, why?" ThunderSmacker: "Cause there they go!" SpaceWarp: "T-they're g-g-getting away!" shouted the black Demon dragon, as he and the other demons begin chasing the group. Tommy: "Guys!, hide in that large tub of water!, the demon dragons are weak to water!" Benny: "But my cloths will get wet!" Tommy: "Would you rather lose your soul to those monsters?" Benny: "Well... when you put it that way..." said Benny, as he, Fluff and Tommy jumped into a tub of water that had apples floating, while Peter was cornered by SpaceWarp. Peter: "Hey look!, there's a fish with melted butter!" SpaceWarp: "I'm n-n-not into fish much... b-b-but if it was coal with melted b-b-butter..." Peter: "Did I say it was a fish?, I meant it was coal with melted butter." SpaceWarp: "Oh t-t-that's different." said SpaceWarp, before he left the scene, leaving Peter to be alone before Tommy, Benny and Fluff came out of the tub, and shaking the water off of their fur. Benny: "Hey Peter, are you okay?" Peter: "Yeah, already took care of that demon." Tommy: "One of them maybe, but let's not forget about the other two." Fluff: "He's right, we better get out of here before they come back." Peter: "Oh right, and we need to get to the mail train before it leaves." said Peter, before he and the others made a run for it, escaping from the carnival and from the claws of the Demon Dragons... for now anyway.

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