chapter six: jude

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Part Two:

August 15th

"I am going to kill him!"


"I mean, how dare he?"


"Who does he think he is?!"


"He's such a bitch!"

"Definitely is."

"He's going to regret that. I swear it."


"He is going to regret ever meeting me."




They both stopped right before Ignacio's Everything Diner (& Karaoke.) Taryn's hands on Jude's shoulders. Both sisters were silent for a moment before Taryn began to smile sweetly. Jude, frustrated, returned only a scowl.

"You weren't listening," Jude says softly.

"I was, Jude. In fact, I've been listening to you rant about it for the past two days."

"It's just—he's so—"

"Shh, sister. You need to breathe and relax. It'll be okay." Taryn's lovely gaze flickered from Jude's eyes up to where her eyebrows were furrowing harshly, then down to her tightening jaw, and then lastly, to Jude's fists, eyes resting on her whitening knuckles. Massaging lightly over Jude's shoulders, Taryn cooed, "Relax sister."

And so, Jude did, because there was nothing else to do when your twin sister looked at you like that. Even if it was only just for show, Jude willed herself to seem slightly less shaken up about the entire situation. Actually, she fought the violent urge to scream at her sister because why wasn't she shaken up? Why was she the only one angered about this entire situation?

Jude closed her eyes and remembered the moment Cardan began to smirk like he knew he had won their game. Like he knew that after that moment, after that decision, there would be no coming back, and their battle would have officially begun. It was as if the world had stopped to shine its light on Cardan Greenbriar as he stood with all the arrogance of this world and made Jude watch his every single step out of that building.

Then there was the audience, how they gawked at Cardan, at every one of his stupid band's members, and then right back at Jude. They were all gasping, some giggling, some were even annoyed, and Jude's show wasn't Jude's show any longer, it was Cardan's.

Oh, Jude hated it. She hated him. And she hated everything. She needed revenge and she needed it soon.


Right, Taryn was here. Relax, Jude, relax.

"Taryn, it's fine. Whatever."

"Listen, yes, what they did was horrible, but it wasn't all bad—Oh, come on Jude. Don't make that face!"

"I'm not making a face."

Taryn raised an eyebrow and pulled away to fold her arms across her chest, she nodded once or twice, sarcastically humming, "Sure, and what would you call that bitch look you're giving me right now?"

Jude groaned, "My day-to-day normal face?"

Taryn stared for a slight moment and then giggled, "You know what? I'll believe you this once."

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