Chapter 7 - My Type...

Start from the beginning

(1st person)

I ran out of the studio without another word. I had literally 20 minutes to: go home, take a shower, get changed, get to the where my gig is and then perform!! SHITTTTTTTTTT!!! It takes me 13 mins alone just to get home (if I don't get lost that is) and then I only have 7 minutes left for the rest. I was about to start sprinting again when someone grabbed my arm. They turned me around and pulled me closer to them looking me in my eyes.

Authors note: guysssssssssss plssssss can we pretend jeongin is shorter than chan coz its killing me that he's the bottom yet still taller don't askkkkk whyyyyy im just like that fbowbeiiibwbjidjwbka 😭

"Where you running off to?" he said. I looked him back in the eyes and realised in was Chan. My eyes widened and I managed to mutter something out.

"I-i, uhhh, im kinda in a hurry..." I said panicking coz now I was for sure going to be late.

"Where to?"

"Uhhh I have this gig at a bar.."

"I'll take you."

"What?! I- you-" I was cut of as he dragged me with him to his car.

"So where to?"

I gave him my home address asking him to take me there first so I could get ready, then I gave him the bar address.

"Thank you so much Chan Hyung. You're really a lifesaver!" Chan softly laughed as I was about to leave the car, with 2 minutes to spare! But before I could he said something so quickly there was no way I could understand it.

"What was that?" I asked him making him repeat himself.

"Canihaveyourphonenumber." he said, still rapping his sentence, so I looked at him puzzled. He sighed and started speaking again.

"Can. I. Have. Your. Phone. Number?" he spelled out to me one by one. I chuckled and told him to give me his phone. After tapping in my number I excused myself to go and get my gig over and done with. 

At mid performance I suddenly spotted someone in the small crowed who had blonde hair and was wearing all black. CHAN!! Oh shit! Great and now I'm about to have a panic attack! I took a few deep breaths and tried to carry on as best as I could. 

(yes guys I liked chans blonde era the best so what?)

After my performance I was backstage drink so water and the I saw someone running into the room shouting,

"YOU DID SO WELL! WELL DONE!!" I though the dude was a fanboy to be honest but guess what? IT WAS BANG FUCKING CHAN! (fyi I almost spat out my water when I saw him.)

"Thank you!" I beamed at him (is said that after I choked on my water of course). I was so happy to receive such a compliment from BangChan himself.

"Yeah of course! You did so well." he smiled right back. Then he revealed a bouquet of flowers that he pulled out from behind his back. I just stood there staring at him. Paralysed. My jaw probably dropped to the ground. 

(Author POV)

"Sorry I was a bit late to your performance because I wanted to grab these to..." his words trailed off seeing the look on the boys face, "D-do you not like them.''

"N-no! I love them! Thank you so much!" Jeongin managed to get out while in absolute shock.

Chan laughed an said, "My pleasure."

Suddenly something took over his actions and he gave the younger a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh shit! I-I'm sorry. I don't k-know what just t-took over me! S-sorry!" Chan apologise over and over again to the younger who was even more shocked than ever. 

"U-uhm its okay... really... I don't mind." the boy said. If he wasn't blushing before he 100% was now and he was smiling from ear to ear. Chan just looked at Jeongin surprised. Does he really not mind? Or did he just say that so I don't feel embarrassed? Chan thought doubtfully. But he decided to brush it off and pat the youngers soft hair.

Jeongin noticed that Chan still didn't seem okay so he grabbed his hand a walked out of the bar. Once they were out of the bar Jeongin took Chan to an alleyway and pinned him to the wall. Not waisting second for Chan to say anything he pressed his lips against the olders lips. Chan was definitely shocked but also didn't waste anytime to kiss the younger back. Jeongin pulled away to catch his breath, looking into Chan's eyes. Chan faintly smirked at the boy and suddenly switched there positions so the now he was pinning Jeongin to the wall. 

"Okay you had your 5 seconds of dominance there but now its my turn." he said before attacking the youngers lips again. Chan managed so slip his tongue into the boys mouth. Now they were both fighting for dominance neither of them willing to back down. But eventually Jeongin gave up and let Chan win. The older boy soon pulled away, though, respecting the younger (also considering the fact they were in an alleyway.)

"Okay, kiddo, I think that's enough for you know." Chan said laughing and the younger who was now pouting. He gave him one more peck on the lips to stop him from pouting. 


You didn't see that coming did you 😉 Okayyyyyy so maybe I made this chapter a little toooooo longggggg but this is the only JeongChan chapter anyway. Obviously im still gonna mention JeongChan but I need to get back to Minsung and I also gotta make a HyunLix chapter which im excited for!!!! ( also why in every single MinSung ff theres never any HyunLix 😭) 

-Emily :)

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